
McCain won in a glittering room full of champagne-sipping democrats in Manhattan tonight

Heard of Reverse Bradley effect?

Top 10 Culprits of the Collapse

Do not forget to vote "NO" on Proposition 8...

sooshisoo, on September 17th, 2008 at 1:04 am Said:

Two people, two opinions on our precious Joe the Plumber...

Joe the Plumber: The Ohio man who symbolizes the current economic struggle

Who's the Joe the Plumber? Here he is, Joe Wurzelbacher, and he's hot!

Joe Biden attacks Joe the Plumber

Bravo! Leanne Marshall

McCain to Obama: "Sen. Obama, I am not President Bush. ... You wanted to run against President Bush, you should have run four years ago."

Even better the second time!

Let's learn the Cha Cha and Rumba!

It is now naturally and greatly expected that Sarah Palin must and will rally and strengthen the base for 2012

Give Sarah Palin your blessings!

Why are we so gay for Rachel Maddow, a star of the "liberal media", a Palin hater to the core?

World on brink of meltdown

What are the goodies behind McCain's proposed $52.5 billion economic plan?

Bruno to Lance:"You've got what it takes to get to the finals"

Verbotene Liebe's Christian admits he is in love with Ollie

So gay!!!!

The Tango Lance! Gorgeous.

Insane rage?

SIN issues warning to AIDS activist, Brandon Sandor, plans to tell Yahoo!, Hotmail to delete his accounts