
Are gay men, even Harvard graduates, fleeing high-powered careers for a kinder and gentler Martha Stewart Living?

Screwing Married Men: Are we immersing in a culture of married men looking for gay sex?

Bring back the jobs Obama! Screw the hypoallergenic puppies!

Christian! Is that you?

Macy's announced a $44 million loss after 3Q, will delay store openings, order less merchandise and layoff more employees.

Utah is a very bad marketing brand.

Hillary our next Secretary of State? Cannot be! She won't meet with enemies!

Endeavour blasts off, roars into the clear moonlit sky from the Kennedy Space Centre tonight

The battle is far from over...supporters are determined to overturn Prop 8

If liberal Californians are not ready for gay marriage, how can we expect the conservative Americans to give us their blessing?

Breaking News: Media layoff -- Is shutting down office in SF?

Another Stimulus package?

Who is next?

Who knew (who the culprits are)!

What is happening to our $700B?

Seriously! Obama promises new White House...what is happening?

Washington to taxpayers: Another $25 billion, please!

Palin to GOP governors: "keep Democrats honest"

Let's get ready for a throwdown with Bobby Flay!

Marriage Wars: A Nation Divided

How soon is too soon to criticize the president-elect?

Katie Couric, a fallen reporter

What is LDS?

Millions have already started a "movement" to push Sarah Palin to be the next prez.

Now that we have a black president, who is next? Sarah Palin? A gay president, a transgender, an Asian president, a jewish, a muslim president?

Camille Paglia Attacks Media's 'Sadomasochistic, Anti-Palin Orgy'

Anti-Immigrant...a disturbing and alarming issue facing America

CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Does the GOP ‘Have to Be Anti-Abortion’?

So good to see you Benji!

QueerGam to Michelle Malkin: Just because this is the only world we have, queers count, too.

Our "sweet pea" Lance, you are the only reason we keep coming home

Maurice and Cheryl gone, Cody still going strong and sexy...

Special Comment

Fight Prop 8. California to repeal Prop H8!

Benji is here tonight, ABC, 9pm PT dancing with Lacey on DWTS

Lance Bass at his multi-million dollar home in LA

Roe v. Wade: Ok here it is...Obama is pro-choice, Palin is pro-life..

Secret Service's Code Names for the Obama girls

McCain's campaign aids -- you are faceless cowards

Why should taxpayers care about GM these days?

Here is part of Sarah Palin's latest Fox interview...a preview

Brothers and Sisters...last night

The Bushes welcome the Obamas at WH today

Mormon Church -- an enemy of civil rights and of queers!

Can the Press in the new Administration play fair and just?

Is The "Blogosphere" Over?

Can gay men who so identified with Hillary reconcile themselves to Obama?

Are you lonesome tonight?