
"Unwilling Heart", an unfinished novel by Ambrose Aban will showcase why we must Vote No on Prop 8

Support the freedom to marry. Fight for love.

Because America is Beauitiful...Vote No on 8

Jen, the pains you are going through tonight cannot be imagined in any way. Our hearts are with you right now.

Prop 8 is unattractive. Vote No on Prop 8.


Watch out for "Changeling", starring Angelina Jolie

12 days to No on Prop 8

We wish Obama's grandma well.

CNN Political Analysts are NOT the best political minds around!! Who are you kidding? They are biased against Sarah Palin.

"No bias, no bull"? But inbalanced and unfair coverages! CNN, who are you kidding?

Palin's wardrobe is not the issue, she needs to look is expected.

Sarah remains poised, professional, dignified in the face of intense, vicious, unfair and unthinkable media attacks. And way hotter than Tina Fey

QueerGam's Top 10 McCain-Palin Haters -- members of the liberal media on the extreme left who are very desperate to elect Obama as president.

Today's Favorite Cocktail: Peach Madras. Try it.

$700 Billion GONE! 750,000 jobs GONE!!! And you are questioning Sarah Palin's hairdo, jackets and makeup!!!

Tight battle over Prop 8 highlights differences in geography, age, religion, race and ideology

Joe Biden, God bless his heart, will make the worst VP should he be so blessed to serve this country. Biden is wrong for America. His mouth is dirty.

Lance!!!! You can dance. Fall on your cute butt if you must but keep up the good work...Lacey, great go girls!

Maurice & Cheryl nailed the Salsa! Score: 9-9-9.

If Joe Biden is right, China will supply the first crisis to Obama if he was elected president.

Funny but who is to be blamed for this?

Brothers & Sisters

Connecticut judges allow same-sex marriage


Sarah Palin on SNL

Where are our own people when we need them?