
Pie-In-The-Sky for Presidency?

Concerned Women for America (CWA) condemns Hallmark's gay cards

It's Senator Joe Biden!

Will Kevin and Scotty love and live happily in California after November?

John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, John Edwards, to name three, have many homes, also.

Thanks Hallmark! Hallmark offers coming-out cards last year, offers gay wedding cards today

Are newly-weds in California in trouble?

From Joe.My.God: Bilerco DNC Donation Fund.

After tomorrow, it will again be legal in Louisiana to fire somebody because they are gay. Another example of our desperate need for ENDA.

Queers to Obama: You're An Idiot If You Don't Hire Hillary!

Latest announcement from The GAYS of DAYTIME

Meet QueerGam's 10 gayest people.

Are we supporting Bam? Is he the right manager for the economy and war?

Gorgeous Ricky now a daddy, and who's that hunky boy, on the right?

Jonathan Crutchley: McCain is a better Commander-in-chief.

McCain wins forum on values and faith last Saturday

Let's talk about sero-sorting.

Cyberbullying grows bigger and meaner with photos, video

QUEERGASM: In the heart of every grown man, there is a little boy dying to know the secret to real manhood. Check out the newest article, "The Difference Between

In the heart of every grown man, there is a little boy dying to know the secret to real manhood. Check out the newest article, "The Difference Between

Thore Scholermann (right) and Jo Weil of Verbotene Liebe: Interview with Jo Weil (left)

Hillary Clinton is still saying all the right things. Do Obama want the Clintons in the White House? Or will he make his first big mistake?

John McCain and Barack Obama reach Christian voters with sex and drugs

McCain shines at Forum, Obama reveals weaknesses

MI5 seeks gay spies in attempt to expand its recruiting base

Photos from the recent episodes of Verbotene Liebe's Christian and Olli

Thore Scholermann and Jo Weil of Verbotene Liebe: Are you also obsessed and hooked?

Has Manhunt Destroyed Gay Culture? Chairman resigns over McCain donation