If liberal Californians are not ready for gay marriage, how can we expect the conservative Americans to give us their blessing?

Bloggers, gay and straight ones, are weighing in from across America regarding Prop 8. The entire gay community is against the Mormon church and the state of Utah. Is is fair? Here's the thing...many of you do not understand the hoopla over the gay marriage debate. And what are the impacts of Prop 8 on gay people when it is passed? Unless you happen to be a proud homosexual like me, the legalization of marriage for gays has absolutely no impact on your life. It doesn't invalidate or even impact your hetero marriage one bit. No one will put a gun to your head and force you into a gay marriage. If you're not in favor of gay marriage, don't have one. It's as simple as that. When compared to issues like the deficit, the mess we've made of Social Security, a balanced budget, national health care reform, the environment, and national defense and our role in the world, that impact and have repercussions for every single American and their future grandchildren, gay marriage barely even qualifies as an issue. The government needs to do one of two things. Either get out of the marriage business entirely, and by that I mean putting an end to civil marriages and all the tax breaks and benefits that marriage brings. Or make marriage equal for all people.

I am just saying...if the liberal Californians, who have voted for Obama because he is not a conservative, are not ready to vote for or support same sex marriage, how do we expect the conservative Californians to give us their blessing?

Gregory Burnie
San Diego, California

Ambrose, Gay couples all over the country are raising families and I think they should be able to make the decision to marry and give their relationships legal status just as you probably did or any heterosexual couple might. Gay people are not asking that our "behaviors" be made "a priority." We only ask for the same rights and privledges that straight people have always had. No more, no less.

Andrew J. Cohen
Portland, Oregon

Ambrose, there are some major holes in the proposed amendment. Suppose a couple gets married and one of them opts to have a sex change. Is their marriage suddenly illegal? How about a lesbian couple in which one opts to "become" a man? Is this suddenly acceptable to those that oppose gay marriage? Somehow I doubt that. Obviously this issue is much more complicated than the White House has envisioned.

Derek Berisa
Palm Spring, California

Actually, if you take a close read of the proposed amendment, you'll see that it divides the world between married couples (consisting of ‘the union of a man and a woman’) and ‘everyone else.’ It does not say that the ‘legal incidents’ of marriage will be denied only to gay couples; it says they will be denied to ALL unmarried people - including heterosexual couples! The language of this amendment would write discrimination against ALL unmarried people into the Constitution - it could be used as a basis for prohibiting unmarried people from adopting, from cohabiting, and it could even be used to make a crime of ALL sex outside of marriage.

Warrin S. Mullen
San Francisco, California

Hello blogger, most people (95%+) are born with their brains wired for attraction to the opposite sex. A few people are different at birth- they are attracted to the same sex. They didn't ask to be born that way and they can't change it. In America, we don't discriminate against birth conditions. You might even say that being homosexual is a birth defect. So, civil unions would give such people the same government protections offered to the rest of us who can marry someone of the opposite gender. That said, marriage is for a man and a woman. Marriage means, in general, a union of both a man and a woman, with the assumption that children might be born, and that those children will be related to both parents. OK, I know, adoption and all that- the fact is that two people of the same sex cannot have children related to both- ever. Most of the time, married heterosexual couples can. Marriage is about creating protections for children, and for celebrating the unique union between a male and a female.

Lou Benedict
Brooklyn Heights, New York

QueerGams, let yourself and other homosexuals have civil unions but don't insult the vast majority of people - heterosexual people like me - by calling with the strength of government legitimacy what homosexuals do akin to marriage. Sodomy just isn't anything to sanctify, encourage or legitimize. We can tolerate it, but we need not hold it up as equal and wonderful. It isn't, never has been and never will be. A little common sense here would go a long way.

Ambrose Aban
Chief Blogger, QueerGams to Lou Benedict.

Gay marriage is about basic decency and respect. Just because this is the only world we have and share, we, the homosexuals, count too! At this time of our lives, do not speak on behalf of the bible. You don't know me. Do you really care about me? Do you really care about Britney Spears (who got married for a night in Vegas because she was drunk)? If you do, then you are sick.

Oh, one more thing Lou, if your precious kid turned out to be gay or lesbian some day (I hope not because if he/she is, then he/she is sick like me in your eyes ), do you think he/she should be denied the rights that you and your wife have right now? If your answer is no, then you are a man of God, if your answer is yes, then you are really sick.
