From Joe.My.God: Bilerco DNC Donation Fund.

[From Joe.My.God]
Let's join hands and help send Marti, Jerame and Bil to the Democratic Convention!

Bilerico, the nation's largest group LGBT blog, is sending a contingent to cover the Democratic National Convention and they are asking for help in meeting their funding goal.

Marti Abernathey, Jerame Davis and Bil Browning are heading to Denver for the 2008 Democratic National Committee Convention (DNCC) from August 22 through August 30. Marti and Jerame are part of the official Indiana Delegation, which will provide unique angles and in-depth coverage for LGBT issues like never before.

All three bloggers will be covering the convention exclusively for Bilerico Project and Bilerico-Indiana.

About the Bloggers
Marti is the 1st transgender delegate from the state of Indiana. She has declared as an Obama supporter.

Jerame is a member of the Rules Committee that meets right before the convention. He has declared as a Hillary supporter.

Bil has scored a floor pass and will also be blogging from the outside covering protests and street activism. He has declared that he'd vote for Paris Hilton over John McCain.

According to Joe of Joe.My.God, your generosity will help cover hotel, meal and transportation costs. We need to raise at least $1000 for each blogger. Hotel rooms are $200/night and plane tickets start at $299. Any amount raised above target will be split evenly between the three bloggers.

To donate go to: and you'll find a donate button (please click on it) and donate accordingly.
