The Pleasure of His Company...Washington socialites are ready to host Obama at their homes in Washington...Now as a new administration moves to town, another Washington guessing game begins: who will be able to snag the Obamas for dinner? Contenders: Elizabeth Bagley, hosted fund-raisers for the Clintons. Adrian M. Fenty, and Vernon E. Jordan Jr., , may snag a dinner with the Obamas.

New York Time wrote:
ON the evening of Nov. 20, 1992, as a well-dressed crowd buzzed and mingled at the Georgetown mansion of Pamela Harriman, the smiling, gray-haired guest of honor raised a Champagne glass.
“To Pamela,” said Bill Clinton, the newly minted president-elect, preparing a dramatic flourish. “The first lady of the Democratic Party.”
It was the first gala dinner welcoming Mr. Clinton to town, a glittery event that would cement Ms. Harriman’s status as the capital’s supreme social power broker until her death in 1997, and a scene straight out of the wildest fantasies of every Washington hostess (Democratic ones, anyway).
There’s a lot of jockeying right now. There are the other usual suspects. Maybe Smith and Elizabeth Bagley, the Democratic fund-raisers? Mr. Jordan and his wife, Ann, who were the hosts for one of the first private dinners for Mr. Clinton when he arrived in Washington? Mayor Adrian M. Fenty and his wife, Michelle, another young, glamorous first couple? Or could it be Beth and Ron Dozoretz, big-money donors who helped persuade the Obamas to send their children to the private Sidwell Friends, where their own daughter attends school? Rahm Emanuel, Mr. Obama’s incoming chief of staff and a bit of a social animal? Bill and Hillary? Or Oprah Winfrey -- yes she would buy a mansion just to host the party for the Obamas. It is possible.

New York Time wrote:
ON the evening of Nov. 20, 1992, as a well-dressed crowd buzzed and mingled at the Georgetown mansion of Pamela Harriman, the smiling, gray-haired guest of honor raised a Champagne glass.
“To Pamela,” said Bill Clinton, the newly minted president-elect, preparing a dramatic flourish. “The first lady of the Democratic Party.”
It was the first gala dinner welcoming Mr. Clinton to town, a glittery event that would cement Ms. Harriman’s status as the capital’s supreme social power broker until her death in 1997, and a scene straight out of the wildest fantasies of every Washington hostess (Democratic ones, anyway).
There’s a lot of jockeying right now. There are the other usual suspects. Maybe Smith and Elizabeth Bagley, the Democratic fund-raisers? Mr. Jordan and his wife, Ann, who were the hosts for one of the first private dinners for Mr. Clinton when he arrived in Washington? Mayor Adrian M. Fenty and his wife, Michelle, another young, glamorous first couple? Or could it be Beth and Ron Dozoretz, big-money donors who helped persuade the Obamas to send their children to the private Sidwell Friends, where their own daughter attends school? Rahm Emanuel, Mr. Obama’s incoming chief of staff and a bit of a social animal? Bill and Hillary? Or Oprah Winfrey -- yes she would buy a mansion just to host the party for the Obamas. It is possible.
What a bunch of hypocrites. If any of those silver spoon hoity-toities saw Obama BEFORE he became a Senator (and now President) coming down the sidewalk toward them, they would have crossed to the other side of the street, and most certainly would never have entertained the idea of inviting him into their homes. Now they are all falling all over themselves trying to score an audience with him! I grew up in that "country club, private school, rub elbows with power" world and I can tell you the vast majority of those types are the most boring, superficial, plastic, two-faced, gossip-mongering, vapid, self-important empty vessels you would ever come across in your life. The Obamas aren't missing a thing if they snub that crowd and in fact, I hope they do. I feel sorry for their girls having to attend a school full of those peoples' snooty offspring. I can tell you from experience that they can be even worse than their parents (because they lack the skill of discreet snobbery and mean-girlishness that comes with age).