
Bam = 3rd term of Clinton and 3rd term of Iraq

Rick Warren is Biblicist, not Christian

A Pork-Barrel Stimulus Package

Prop. 8 sponsors seek to nullify 18K gay marriages. Opponents of gay marriage will fight in court to undo unions

The worst of 2008! Two-year olds encouraged to brawl by dad!

QueerGam to Obama: If we must have an officiating priest, surely we can do better than this vulgar huckster.

Caroline Kennedy vs. Sarah Palin, Media Double Standard?

Bromance is in ...go get yourself some men to connect with, do things together with and then some...

QueerGam to Washignton Post: Bam's body is not all move on already!

Who would Obama pick as CIA Director?

Liberal Democrats and LGBT community feel betrayed by Obama's choice of a pastor to deliver the invocation at his inauguration

Retail sales...very bad

CNN: Califnornia in deep trouble

Now what?

For the love of God, do not bail out the New York Times

Key looks for 2009: See-through and sheer fabrics lead the way, set the style

This is journalism almost at its best...

Brad and Cate at their Benjamin Button

Unemployment raises, consumers cut back on spending

Getting home for the holidays seem like a mission impossible

QueerGam to TIME: Enough on Bam the animal shelters

How To Prosecute a Shoe-Thrower. Would someone in America go to jail for tossing footwear at a foreign president?

LGBT community in Racine, Wisconsin has reason to be happy, plans five 30-second TVC for Inauguration Week

QueerGam to Rick Warren: This is love!