Why Warren, Bam? Queen-of-Mean, Leona Helmsley, not available?

Ambrose Aban
Chief Blogger, QueerGam

Bam, I almost can't bear to tell you the heavy heart and disappointment me, my friends and their partners and their children bear that you have chosen Rick Warren to participate in the inauguration ceremonies. Gay people made calls for you, knocked on doors, gave more money than they had and spoke to friends and neighbors to help elect you and vote No on Prop 8. The least you can do is to invite other pastors. Meantime, queers continue to endure unequal status for their families that are condoned and encouraged by Warren. We understand that you wish to bring together many sides of America and we have enjoyed reading your past speeches regarding faith issues. However, we believe you have made a mistake in this instance that will further divide rather than encourage coming together. There are so many faith leaders that preach the dignity and worth of every child of God and encourage all to have a place at the table. Rick Warren is not one of them. Why Warren, Bam? We had been looking forward to watching your inauguration with a joyous heart. Now our hearts are heavy...our faith, weary. It's not you. It's not even about gay marriage...this is about a man, a gay hater, who continues to give the most offensive and demeaning speeches. Queen-of-Mean and gay's #1 hater, Leona Helmsley, who is very dead, must be laughing tonight. Bam, we know you would NEVER have picked Rick Warren BEFORE the general election. But now that you've won and that you are the president-to-be, it doesn't matter...We don't blame those who are now, tonight, feeling that they have been betrayed by you.
My own issue with Warren giving the invocation at the innaugural is his stance on torture. Warren stated that he did not bring up the issue of torture at a meeting with Bush because it wasn't important. I have to wonder what convoluded sense of Prophetic ministry Warren engages in when he, on one hand, opposes allowing a discriminated-against minority it's civil rights to marry (freedom of association in the Constitution), but on the other is incapable of speaking the truth to power that torture is morally wrong even if you lead the most powerful nation on earth and believe (mistakenly) that torture can enhance intelligence gathering. "Rev." Warren, by allowing this dichotomy in his real-world theology, abandons any pretense to morals & makes a sham of his ministry. When will these facts be brought to the "dialogue" that Obama so values?
