Jesus Christ, Bam! What else didn't you mean?

Is it me or is Barack Obama lying all the time? McCain is laughing somewhere in Phoenix. Sarah Palin must be laughing louder even Russia can hear her. This week's "No Bias, No Bull"program, CNN’s Campbell Brown lashed out at President-Elect Barack Obama for his flippant response to a reporter’s question.

Bam, here's the thing bro...whether you like it or not (now that Sarah Palin is not there anymore to take all the bullshit from the liberal media) reporters are going to ask you a lot of annoying questions over the next four years. And Bam, get used to it. That is the job of the media (your media, the ones who supported you just because you promised them change and hope and "cleanliness" to America, and the very same people who trashed Palin and McCain to make sure you win, remember them?), to hold you accountable. But Campbell Brown, as screwed up as she is (bless her heart), this isn’t just about the media. It’s about the American people, many of whom voted for you because of what you said and what you promised during the campaign, and they have a right to know which of those things you meant and which you didn’t. Apparently, as you made clear today, you didn't mean what you said about Hillary Clinton during the primary process. You said so many nasty things about Hill not having enough experience to handle international issues and not having enough skills to deal with terrorists and not enough experience traveling to war torn countries...etc, etc. Now, after you've picked her as your Secretary of State, you've also decided that you didn't mean what you said about her. No, no, no, Bam. It's not that simple, bro. So, what else didn’t you mean?

Anyways queers, during the press conference where Obama unveiled his national security team, Peter Baker of the New York Times brought up the tough primary fight between Bam and our precious girl, Hill.

Peter Baker:
"You were asked and talked about the qualifications of the -- your now, your nominee for Secretary of State, and you belittled her travels around the world, equating it to having teas with foreign leaders. And your new White House counsel said that her resume was grossly exaggerated when it came to foreign policy. I’m wondering whether you can talk about the evolution of your views of her credentials since the spring."

Barack Obama:
"I mean, I think -- this is fun for the press to try to stir up whatever quotes were generated during the course of the campaign. No, I understand, and you’re having fun."

Jesus Christ, Bam! No one is having fun, talking about serious remarks you made about our Hill.
