This is a cheap shot. And very distasteful. Playboy Mexico, you can give us better than that! This is an all out attempt to offend and bash the Catholic church. Playboy Mexico should pull out the issue and apologize one more time -- to the world. Virgin Mary is the last of a major, pure, christian figure being attacked by the unbelievers. This is going way too far. This is an insult to every human being on earth. But this is America. We move on. If God is able to move on (after what he's seen over the years in America), so can we. So let's boycott Playboy (if you can, I can't) and move on.
A nude model posing as the Virgin Mary on the cover of the Mexican edition of Playboy magazine, published only days before a major Mexican festival dedicated to the mother of Jesus, prompted the company's U.S. headquarters on Friday to apologize.
The magazine, which hit newsstands as ceremonies began leading to Friday's pilgrimage to the Mexico City shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, showed a model wearing nothing but a white cloth over her head and breasts. She is standing in front of a stained glass window with the cover line, "We Love You, Maria" in Spanish. The model's name is Maria Florencia Onori.

The magazine, which hit newsstands as ceremonies began leading to Friday's pilgrimage to the Mexico City shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, showed a model wearing nothing but a white cloth over her head and breasts. She is standing in front of a stained glass window with the cover line, "We Love You, Maria" in Spanish. The model's name is Maria Florencia Onori.
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