Do you think Bam would have chosen Rick Warren in August?

Of course not! This is a spit on us queers! This is a big blow if you'd asked me. This is a cheap shot. This is disrespect. This is insensitive. Knowing that this man is a gay-hater. Obama picked him, of all day, on his auguration day. Obama is giving Rick Warren, the biggest honor of his life! Unbelievable, unthinkable, unforgivable. Having Warren speak at the inauguration might make more sense for Obama, now that he's been elected, than going to Warren's Saddleback Civil Forum in August in search of evangelical votes did from a campaigning standpoint. When the ballots were counted he only did marginally better among white evangelicals than Gore and Kerry; the idea now, apparently, is to signal that Obama will be a president for all Americans, whether they voted for him on Nov. 4 or not.

Hillary Rosen via CNN:
This is not the day (the inauguration day) to play balanced politics and to prove and show Americans that he can work well with Rick Warren and others like him. This is not about gay marriage. This is about respecting the gay community.

We've been conned. This is not about gay marriage or about policy. This is about basic decency and respect. wrote:
Except that Warren, by this point, isn't just the purpose-driven friendly face of evangelical Christianity anymore. He took sides, very publicly, in favor of California's Proposition 8, which overturned the state's gay marriage law.

Rick Warren:
About 2 percent of Americans are homosexual, or gay and lesbian, people. (Warren said tis in a widely circulated video and in a virtually identical e-mail to his congregation before the election).

Rick Warren:
We should not let 2 percent of the population determine to change a definition of marriage that has been supported by every single culture and every single religion for 5,000 years. This is not just a Christian issue, this is a humanitarian issue.

Prior to that, his late summer Civil Forum, at which he interviewed John McCain and Obama, was seen by many liberals as an ambush. Instead of sticking to questions on areas where Warren truly has broken from some religious conservatives, like climate change, the importance of alleviating poverty and preventing HIV transmission, Warren drew Obama and John McCain into a discussion of old-school social conservative hot-button issues: the definition of marriage and whether life begins at conception. Days later, he turned around and blasted Obama's answers on abortion rights, comparing being pro-choice to denying the Holocaust.
