MILK will screen in theaters owned by Cinemark. Cinemark gave a lot of money to kill gay marriage in CA. No to Cinemark!

FOCUS FEATURES (Team "Business Decision Beats Moralle") and CINEMARK (Team 'We don't want you to have civil rights! $10 please, to the left - auditorium 5. Enjoy the show.") both defended that decision. James Schamus, who also produced the "universal lovestory" BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, hopes that "whole thing gets settled" and reminds people that CINEMARK was one of the first national chains in the country to embrace (read: realize there might be money to be made when Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall make out on screen) that film.
"It would be inappropriate to influence our employees’ position on personal issues outside the work environment, especially on political, social or religious activities."
As long as CINEMARK continues to ignore that recent behavior by one of its key employees stands against EVERYTHING the title real-person in the movie is about, why bother giving them our money? As for other movies that play only at CINEMARK theaters in my area? Well, there's always NETFLIX...say No to Cinemark!
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