Lance!! Hot body babe! And thank you queers for your No votes on Hate

Lance...tho Prop 8 passed, hang on in there babe! Queers love you.


The good news first: THANK YOU, SAN FRANCISCANS FOR NOT LETTING US DOWN - OVER 76% OF YOU HAVE VOTED AGAINST PROPOSITION HATE. In fact, Solano was the ONLY Bay Area county where 8 passed.

With 95% of precincts reported and a lead of over 300,000 votes, Californias have turned out to declare their constitution null and void and find it okay to become the FIRST STATE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to take a fundamental right away from people through a popular vote: Proposition 8, the most shameful ballot measure of them all (although 4 was a very close 2nd) has passed by 52%.
What a terrible, scary message this sends: Whenever the Constitution does not discriminate against a group we don't like, we can just change it to reflect individual hate and fear?

It is estimated that over 16,000 gay and lesbian couples have married since the first day it became legal back in June. I invite people who voted YES on 8 to explain to me how any of these marriages has affected their every day lives. I invite people to explain to me how they gonna look their children who come out as gay or lesbian in a couple of years in the eyes and explain to them why they are so afraid that they feel that in this particular case the back of the bus isn't enough - the back of that bus has to be sealed.
