Are you lonesome tonight?

Loneliness kills! Is there a scientific evidence suggesting that loneliness seriously burdens human health of single and "desperately seeking" gay men?

Millions of you out there get very lonely (deep inside ya), everyday. You are easily thrown deep into depression when you feel alone and lonely (no amount of money, a great job, a great place, great clothes, great set of friends, spending power, etc, can help you to feel that way, but the lack of affection and love) to feel that you are alone against your will. The hookup sites you use everyday to get out of your loneliness are without deeper meaning and most of the time, a total let down -- especially when you like them more than just a one fuck thing. Someone told me (don't know where he got hte information from but it is interesting enough for me to use it here) that gay men with fewer social ties are two to three times more likely to die before their time. But those with more social ties are also two to three times more like to get hurt and get lonely until they die...hold on there, wait a second, before you knock me on my head, think about loneliness seriously burdens gay men's health and slowly killing them?

Yet there is a way for gay men to find friends and to get out of their loneliness -- go online. Not the hookup rooms but the misc romance rooms online. I told a friend to get in there and post his ad, and find a friend or two...remember to always be nice, polite and professional when responding to replies as not all replies are good. Truth is gay men get angry and irritated with the people (who responded to their ads) who weren't their types. Be nice, reply back very politely...treat others the way you want to be treated online. That's basic decency and respect.
