Gay marriage backers to protest at Mormon display

Why not? They hate us. We must not support them. With the passage of Prop 8, there is no room for kindness or forgiveness anymore. There is no more room to forgive and forget. They have stripped away our rights to marry the ones we love. They have taken away our basic human rights.

Supporters of gay marriage are vowing to be out in force when Mormons light their massive Christmas displays Friday night on the grounds of the Mesa Arizona Temple.

They're upset with Mormons' opposition to same-sex marriage and the passage of state constitutional amendments banning gay marriage in Arizona, California and Florida in the Nov. 4 election. Organizers say they're hoping thousands will turn out in solidarity for gays and lesbians seeking full civil rights.

The Mormon church urged members to donate money and vote for the gay marriage bans.

Mormon spokesman Don Evans says the church finds it surprising it is being singled out by protesters. He says the amendments were also supported by the Catholic church and various evangelical denominations.
