Katie Couric, a fallen reporter

QueerGam to Katie Couric:

Katie, you brought out the weakest and the worst in Sarah Palin. Now you must surely feel that you didn't do a good job as a journalist for not squeezing the best out of her as a mother, a woman, and a politician in your interview. The interview was about you. You used Palin to save your image and your credibility. Your candles were out. You were already a failure. Your rating, the worst. Here's something else to disappoint you tonight -- Palin has a big future in the republican circle. She is a fresh air as she is compelling. And she is more interesting and the press loves her (and she loves the press and she knows who are the good apples and who are the bad apples in the basket, so to speak). Katie, Palin is tougher than you, stronger and smarter than you, and way, way hotter than you. Katie, you had a shot at being balanced and fair. But you blew your chance to be good again. Now we know how you feel as Palin keeps disappointing other journalists by being herself, sounding smart and presidential. Katie, quit your job. Go run for national office! And don't bother trying your best on national TV, your best will never be good enough. Palin's best is yet to come.
