There are dangers of Democrats controlling all the arms of government, the coveted trifecta of the House, Senate, and presidency.

Again, to many of you, that is great. Also, to many of you, that is horrible. Both democrats and republicans (and those lingering in the middle) will suffer in the next eight years if Obama was elected and Democrats took over the congress. America will be like North Korea, Pakistan, and China.

Today, in Ohio, John McCain reminded voters and the American people of the GOP’s economic brand after a month of unprecedented government intervention in the financial markets.

John McCain in Ohio today:
"This election comes down to how you want your hard-earned money spent,” McCain said to a small audience at the Renaissance hotel in downtown Cleveland. "Do you want to keep it and invest it in your future, or have it taken by the most liberal person to ever run for the Presidency, and the Democratic leaders who have been running Congress for the past two years — Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid?”
