sooshisoo, on September 17th, 2008 at 1:04 am Said:

A delay response but still a below. Thanks sooshisoo

Hey QueerGam,

You’ve said a mouthful, much that I agree with. There’s been a request for Biden’s medical records - since the man does have a history of aneurysms which can be instant killers - and the Nobama camp will supposedly be releasing them soon. If they’ve already done so, I missed it. The fact that they’re dragging it out gives one cause to pause.

There’s no way Obama could have picked Hillary, she would have outshone him and would have been a stronger entity than himself. Whether people like or hate her, she would have swamped Obama with her presence. His ego couldn’t have withstood that, and ego is all he is running on in this campaign. But, it would have been the smart thing for him to do.

I see McCain in going to far as in responding to stupid stuff like the pig comment. We all know what Nobama intended with it, McCain should have released a short comment and let it slide, Palin should have then responded to it with humor out on the road. As far as his ads being lies or mistruths, the more people dig into it - such as with the sex-ed program - the more people are finding that it’s Obama distorting his own record, not McCain.

Obama is not the one. He’s weak and inexperienced and his tie swith radicals, extremists and terrorists convince me that he does not have this country’s best interest at heart.
