Obama's piggy business is Democrat's lipstick persona

Blood is shooting out of our eyes! It is shocking. Obama is desperate. He couldn't and didn't close the deal with Clinton during the primary process and still cannot close the deal with Sarah Palin and John McCain. He still cannot see the connection between lipstick and pig. And that is disturbing. If he had planned it, he is then a super moron. Or, was he caught up in a moment, "oh my god...she is a pig"?. Here's the thing: Obama was rattled. He will be rattled in the next debate.

Sarah entered the heart of the Democratic Party, sneaked into Obama's head and took away all his thoughts. Obama has never been held to higher standards. And now he is desperate to get Sarah Palin out of his mind. Hillary is right. And she knows who her real enemies are! Joe Biden is gone even if he has 30 years of foreign policy(today he told Americans that Hillary would have been a better pick), and McCain is planning a war with them....

Here's the worst: More democrats said that they want a Democrat in the White House than Obama as the president.

Will Obama dump Joe Biden? That would be...well, beyong dumb.
