Yes, everyone did well this time -- Bush, McCain, Obama and Fema are all totally engaged and totally committed to helping Louisiana and the gulf coast preparing for Gustav. Gustav hammered the southern decadence softly today tho the storm's impact is widespread. At least 40% of the city out of power. No major flooding yet. Gustav missed New Orleans by just 25 miles to the left. Compared to Katrina, it is a remarkable difference. The people involved are more organized. High marks for people all around. Some 1.9 million people will come home pretty soon and rebuild...but Hanna, which is now a Category 2.5 tropical storm is growing very healthily in the Atlantic. Following Hanna are two more tropical storms still far away in the Atlantic Ocean. They could all catch up with Gustav...that is a big open ocean out there. Hanna will be hitting the Caribbeans on Friday and will be making her way to the United States...again.
Republican, determined to propel John McCain to the White House, opened their storm-shortened national convention on Monday amid distractions involving running mate Sarah Palin. Delegates had scarcely settled into their seats when it was disclosed a lawyer had been hired to represent the Alaska governor in an investigation of her firing of the state's public safety commissioner. The other disclosure was personal, not political — the pregnancy of her 17-year-old unmarried daughter. The convention's opening session was abbreviated as Hurricane Gustav hit the Gulf Coast, sparing New Orleans the type of damage inflicted by Hurricane Katrina almost exactly three years ago. President Bush skipped his planned speech to go to disaster and relief centers, determined to avoid a repeat of the disaster mismanagement of Katrina. McCain was in Waterville, Ohio, where he helped pack supplies to be sent to the Gulf. Both men's wives sparked cheers when they appeared before the delegates, shunning politics to urge contributions to help storm victims.
Republican, determined to propel John McCain to the White House, opened their storm-shortened national convention on Monday amid distractions involving running mate Sarah Palin. Delegates had scarcely settled into their seats when it was disclosed a lawyer had been hired to represent the Alaska governor in an investigation of her firing of the state's public safety commissioner. The other disclosure was personal, not political — the pregnancy of her 17-year-old unmarried daughter. The convention's opening session was abbreviated as Hurricane Gustav hit the Gulf Coast, sparing New Orleans the type of damage inflicted by Hurricane Katrina almost exactly three years ago. President Bush skipped his planned speech to go to disaster and relief centers, determined to avoid a repeat of the disaster mismanagement of Katrina. McCain was in Waterville, Ohio, where he helped pack supplies to be sent to the Gulf. Both men's wives sparked cheers when they appeared before the delegates, shunning politics to urge contributions to help storm victims.
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