Image previously published on Joe.My.God blog
Abstinence is a good thing. But it is very hard to do. Condoms are their excuses. Sex education (with no daily practice) is no education at all. So, abstinence can be a good thing. And, for the record, not many girls actually listen to their mothers. They listen to their boyfriends more often than not. So, our accusing fingers should be pointed at the boys' moms who should tell their horny boys to fuck safely with condoms. I can understand why Bristol is pregnant. Just look at Levi? How could you not want to give in to that hot looking boy? In Bristol's case, the one to blame is that gorgeous hunk -- Levi Johnston. Not Sarah Palin. It is unfair for us - bloggers, press, commentators -- to punish a mother, a proud American Woman, who loves her children and who would never tell her daughters to come home pregnant! To the reporters and commentators who are siding Obama and would do anything to ridicule a perfectly lovely woman, here's you...GROW A SPINE!
Abstinence is a good thing. But it is very hard to do. Condoms are their excuses. Sex education (with no daily practice) is no education at all. So, abstinence can be a good thing. And, for the record, not many girls actually listen to their mothers. They listen to their boyfriends more often than not. So, our accusing fingers should be pointed at the boys' moms who should tell their horny boys to fuck safely with condoms. I can understand why Bristol is pregnant. Just look at Levi? How could you not want to give in to that hot looking boy? In Bristol's case, the one to blame is that gorgeous hunk -- Levi Johnston. Not Sarah Palin. It is unfair for us - bloggers, press, commentators -- to punish a mother, a proud American Woman, who loves her children and who would never tell her daughters to come home pregnant! To the reporters and commentators who are siding Obama and would do anything to ridicule a perfectly lovely woman, here's you...GROW A SPINE!

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