Does the fact that we know nothing about Sarah Palin's foreign policy views not worry anyone?

We know nothing about Barack Obama's foreign policy experience, too! But foreign policy is not everything a president will have to do as Commander-In-Chief. Just name us one president, or anyone, in the world who is perfect in everything -- who is an expert in everything? Nada. At least Sarah Palin has experience moblizing arms and legs in her state. A governor's resume is more "READY" than a Senator's resume. Check out their daily duties, special job functions and descriptions! Senators only talk, veto, and approve plans. Governors work their butt off to get things moving and shaking. Sarah Palin may not have experience in foreign policy but she is has experience in national and domestic views and policies. That alone makes her more qualified than Obama and Biden combined. She will be Biden's worst political nightmare. She will be formidable during their debate. Biden will be dead. Many QueerGam's friends will not vote this time...but they sure adore Sarah Palin.
