Large crowd watching John McCain in Times Square, New York City
McCain told them: "I have a record and a scar to prove it"

John McCain: "Serving the cause greater than yourself"

Obama gave his suporters a speech. He was far away from them, speaking from a gigantic stage. McCain was different tonight. He didn't want to give a "speech" from a distance, he wanted to "talk" and be upclose and personal with the crowd. He didn't want a podium. Obama, as good as he is, he didn't have a story like that to share. He didn't move people to tears in Denver last week. Also, both of McCain and Palin's boys (Jimmy McCain and Track Palin) are going to war.
(L to R) Track, Bristol, Sarah (holding baby Trig), Levi Johnston and Willow

The speech tonight is sort of saying "I am a maverick, I am a war hero and Obama is not"
Sarah sharing a light moment with her daugher, Piper.

Don't you just love the chemistry between Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper? Great job you guys! You are not biased and you are gracious towards both Obama and McCain in your daily and nighty coverage. And we respect you for that. And of course, the one and only Larry King. Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer below.
McCain told them: "I have a record and a scar to prove it"

John McCain: "Serving the cause greater than yourself"

Obama gave his suporters a speech. He was far away from them, speaking from a gigantic stage. McCain was different tonight. He didn't want to give a "speech" from a distance, he wanted to "talk" and be upclose and personal with the crowd. He didn't want a podium. Obama, as good as he is, he didn't have a story like that to share. He didn't move people to tears in Denver last week. Also, both of McCain and Palin's boys (Jimmy McCain and Track Palin) are going to war.
(L to R) Track, Bristol, Sarah (holding baby Trig), Levi Johnston and Willow

The speech tonight is sort of saying "I am a maverick, I am a war hero and Obama is not"
Sarah sharing a light moment with her daugher, Piper.

Don't you just love the chemistry between Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper? Great job you guys! You are not biased and you are gracious towards both Obama and McCain in your daily and nighty coverage. And we respect you for that. And of course, the one and only Larry King. Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer below.

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