Back to even! Sarah shot the McCain-Palin ticket to the stratosphere

To the Republicans and millions of people living and working in America and outside of America, Sarah Palin is a shooting star -- a beautiful American woman and a hockey mom of five children including a baby with special needs. In three-four months, she will be a grandma at 44. She is a young governor, a go-getter and a reformer who brings both maturity and elegance to a very demanding role in Washington. In the next few months, she could be the Vice President of the United States of America.

Even Obama is smittened by her star quality. Obama and Biden had it coming but they did not expect McCain to pick her. McCain planned his move carefully like a real soldier. He waited for Obama to dump Hillary and then picked a woman as his VP. He picked his running mate at the right -- when Hillary's 18+ million supporters felt they were being betrayed by their party. What a brilliant strategy. And to make it even better, Sarah Palin is a tough and no nonsense political barracuda.

McCain watched the DNC in Denver, phoned Sarah and discussed their story. Sarah watched Obama's speech and Biden's speech and she played them over and over again. She penned down her story carefully, knowing she could win the crowd and captivate the world. She guided her speechwriter and rehearsed her lines, getting ready to awe and to inspire. She knew the game they were playing. She kept the scores. She is a former broadcast journalist and she knew just what to do to lure her audience. She knew how to look good and natural on live TV. She's been in front of a teleprompter many times before when she was a young newscaster in Alaska. She was ready. Ready for her biggest moment -- introducing herself, introducing her loved ones (her pillars of strength) and introducing her beloved state of Alaska on a national stage. McCain, meanwhile, was tying up loose ends, clipping them all neatly together, rallying the base and getting ready to shock Obama and the rest of the world.

Last Tuesday in a Minneapolis convention hall, Sarah started her night by accepting the nomination, telling her story, and ended the evening by asking God to bless America, leaving Obama and Joe Biden shaking their heads and asking "what had just happened, who is that girl?"

Sarah Palin smiled. She knew she had just captivated the hearts of the nation and the eyes of the world. Next -- kill Biden.

Biden has reasons to be worried. He was picked by Obama for his foreign policy experience although he had argued during the primary process that Obama was far from being ready to be the president. He will also be focusing on Sarah's inexperience in foreign policy.

But Sarah will fire the first fresh salvo in their debate. She will be focusing on Biden's failed foreign policy although Biden has been working on foreign policy on the Hill for 30 years. She will tell the world that change is coming and she will also question Biden's foreign policy failure -- including the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, etc.

Energized and determined, Sarah must have said under her breath "screw you, it's not only about you, it is also about me". And she went on to electrified everyone. In the middle of her speech, she attacked both Obama and Biden directly, stabbed them in the heart where it hurts and bleeds the most. She called Obama a "community organizer" who has never run a city or a state, who never had to move all the arms and the legs at the same time in the same direction.

Sarah Palin entered our homes on Tuesday night (naturally and effortlessly) and she appealed directly to middle America especially women (including those 18 million of them who felt that they have pretty much been betrayed by the boys).

Sarah Palin as we have seen for ouselves, is a very tough conservative, lipstick-wearing pit bull and a modern, sophisticated, go getter and high achiever barracuda. . If McCain should die on day one, Sarah Palin is poised and she is strong enough to handle the situation. Why? Because she has a great instinct. Sarah Palin is not afraid of reporters and commentators. She is fearless as she is brave. Unlike, Obama, Sarah Palin does not need two memoirs to give orders, execute or implement tough state, city and community programs.

There is no doubt that she will say that Biden has been wrong many times in his foreign policy during his 30 years on the Hill -- the vietnam war (where McCain has to fight for the country and not him) the gulf war, etc. And this is where Sarah Palin will grill him on all of his foreign policy failures and not just only on Iraq. Unlike Sarah Palin, Obama "has never led anything, nothing, nada".

Yes, the RNC was bigger in so many ways although the stage was smaller. Although the media is siding Obama-Biden ticket. Country singers, Gretchen Wilson and the song, "Raisin' McCain" did better than Jennifer Hudson and Sheryl Crow at the DNC in Denver. The McCain-Palin videos were also better than the one produced by Steven Spielberg at the DNC. Obama insisted on a gigantic stage to deliver his speech, Satah prefered to be upclose and personal and "talk and chit chat" to them instead of giving a speech. Sarah came out there and knocked Biden first, and then she punched Obama in the face, blow by blow. It was a huge home run for the McCain-Palin ticket. Sarah is a reform governor, and she has the credentials and a good resume to prove it while McCain has a record and a scar to support their case. The one thing that is still indisputable: Sarah has run and managed a city and a state. Obama hasn't. And in the end, many Americans (McCain's haters included), fell in love with Sarah. Her story is far more compelling, more real. Her small town experience is a good platform to do bigger things, to handle national issues.

What McCain is doing right and strategically so far at destroying the Obama-Biden ticket.

1) Rally the base
2) Build up Sarah Palin and her amazing courage and story
3) Stay away as far as possible from Bush
4) Emphasis back on Obama
5) Highlight McCain's story -- connect his economic programs to the community
6) Let the media and left-wing bloggers and reporters/commentators go at it and get it wrong about Sarah Palin and let it hurts Obama
7) Apply pressure on Oprah and question her integrity for not wanting to interview Sarah Palin before the election.
