Hillary:We need leaders once again who can tap into that special blend of American confidence and optimism. Did her words get in the way?
[Primetime Presidential Speech: Hillary Rodham Clinton]
Chelsea Clinton introducing her mom, Hillary Clinton, tonight.

"I am here tonight as a proud mother. As a proud Democrat. As a proud Senator from New York. As a proud American. And as a proud supporter of Barack Obama" -- Hillary Clinton
QueerGam bloggers watched the much anticipated speech from home tonight.
Hillary gave us a shout out in the first few minutes of her speech. Thank you!
Very powerful and very courageous. Clinton said: "That is our duty, to build that bright future, and to teach our children that in America there is no chasm too deep, no barrier too great and no ceiling too high for all who work hard, never back down, always keep going, have faith in God, in our country, and in each other".
Hillary had a big task to finish -- to tell her supporters to support Barack Obama. Dressed in her bright tangerine pantsuits, she walked onto the stage, kissed her daughter Chelsea, waved at the crowd some of them had tears in their eyes. They screamed her name and waved back enthusiastically with so much admiration and love. Her job tonight: to promote her political future and unify her party. Clinton did here best. But was her best good enough to convince her supporters to let her go, move on, and vote for Obama?
She called on her "sisters" to support Obama. Did her words stand in her way? Did she deliver tonight? Did she mention gay rights?
Hillary, acknowledging her supporters -- calling 18 million of them "sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits"
Ambrose Aban:
"If you want a taste of freedom, keep going...we are Americans, we are not big on losing and giving up...we don't have a moment to lose or a vote to spare. Think about your children on our election day. We got to ensure the choice in this election honors the people who have fought for us..." Looking great in her bright tangerine pantsuit set against the blue background of the DNC stage tonight, Hillary started off by asking her supporters to support Obama. That was what Obama needed. That was a big speech. She mentioned Obama at least 10 ten times, proving to everyone that she is the bigger one, mature one and professional one. She also mentioned gay righs once (and for us once is good enough) This is a bad night for Hillary haters and for the press who have been treating her unfairly now and during the primary process. She addressed all the concerns we have. Clearly she wants to move on. She is kind of saying, "I am not your therapist, I am a Democrat...so let's move on...".
Chris Goodridge:
There are so many undertones in her speech tonight tho quite spectacular in my opinion. But did she deliver? Yes and no. Yes because she brought it down to the wire tonight. No because democrats left the convention center, scratching their heads, asking why the hell is she not the presidential candidate? Twice she had it -- first the dem super delagates picked Obama (and helped him win the nomination), and then she was not even on Obama's shortlist for VP. That has to hurt her supporters and her fundraising arm. In my opinion, she did not deliver 100%. And Obama is left in a shaky situation. McCain's people are ready to pound on her speech just because she did not mention Obama's readiness. I agree with her when she said that we've got to ensure that the choice we make in this election honors the sacrifices of all who came before us, and will fill the lives of our children with possibility and hope. I thought that was so powerful and genuine.
Bill Clinton,hanging on to his wife's every word

George Tyler:
Yes she did. "Let's keep moving." She didn't mention her husband. She is kind of reminding us that she is an independent woman. She gave a presidential speech. That was a speech made for presidents. Not for herself or Joe Biden. She rocked it. She nailed it. She covered it. Did she deliver: Nope. Because people love her even more and not Obama.
Jefferey Johnson:
She was perfect. Tho she never address the ability of Obama taking the job as the manager of war and the economy, it is still a bad night for her haters. She also mentioned Michelle Obama, calling her a great woman, she even praised McCain where it is due, she called him as a good friend and a celebrated war hero, she mentioned everything that was needed to be mentioned. And...because of that, people are even more angry because she is not going to be the next president of America. She basically called on her supporters to get over it, keep going until Obama is in the White House. Did she deliver? Yes, in a way, she did what she came to do.
Obama watching Hillary delivering her speech on TV

Phil Spencer:
She did once mentioned "As I recall, President Clinton and the Democrats did it before" as CNN's camera zoomed on Bill's face (listening to her every word intensely). For a moment I thought I saw a tear in Bill's eyes. She did great for herself, but more importantly she did great for Obama and for America tonight. She wrapped up day-two of the convention in style, electrifying everyone around the world. She was a class act tonight. Hillary Rodham Clinton, our favorite girl. She delivered 50/50.
Chris Goodridge:
Hillary, as expected, rocked it all night long at the DNC in Denver tonight. What do you think oif the introduction by her daughter, Chelsea? What a sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits! It was so unselfish, so genuine, and so sincere. She was such a generous act, calling for unity, one party, winning the election. Women's rights, unity and the economy -- she covered them all tonight -- in ghe greatest of style. This is not a good night to be a republican.
Jefferey Johnson:
She was amazing, Chelsea was stunning, and Bill as always, looking suave and handsome in the crowd. What a family. What a night. This is the woman who delivers when she needs to. She did that tonight. It was perfect. Hillary was perfect. Checked. She challenged her supporters to vote for Obama. Checked. She reminded the people to think of their children on election day. Checked.
Phil Spencer:
What a loving mother and a courageous leader she is. And he is. Chelaea is a headturner, has certainly grown into a lovely young woman. People had tears in their eyes during her speech. She was moving the crowd. A class act. She was presidential tonight. She is evidence that women had come so far. She didn't stumble on a line or something, she was just so perfect. She was in a league of her own. There's never a loser who is more generous than the winner.
George Tyler:
The entire convention center shook vigorously when she appeared from the backdrop and walked to the podium, waving at her supporters, taking her time, acknowledging the crowd, pointing to them as cameras focusing on her and Bill who was watching proudly. People are genuinely and truly truly moved and touched by Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Chris Goodridge:
You just saw it yourself. You know it was a presidential speech. We saw in Hillary what our potential future could be. We could envision that we can have jobs and we are respected on a global level. She could have taken us there. She delivered yes - for herself, not Obama.

Ambrose Aban:
The moment Chelsea mentioned her as "my mom", I knew the night was meant just for Hillary Clinton. I knew she was going to work the crowd -- no one can emulate (not even Bill) and can steal her thunders. As she has said tonight, progress is indeed a never an easy thing, we need to elect a president that can compete in global economy, we need a president who understands the global economy, who can build a green economy. She said profoundly, the genius of America understands the needs of America.
We are watching Hillary's primetime speech/s response at this time on CNN and will be back with more from Chris, Jefferey, Phil and George, my dearest friends and bloggers.
Chelsea Clinton introducing her mom, Hillary Clinton, tonight.

"I am here tonight as a proud mother. As a proud Democrat. As a proud Senator from New York. As a proud American. And as a proud supporter of Barack Obama" -- Hillary Clinton
QueerGam bloggers watched the much anticipated speech from home tonight.
Hillary gave us a shout out in the first few minutes of her speech. Thank you!
Very powerful and very courageous. Clinton said: "That is our duty, to build that bright future, and to teach our children that in America there is no chasm too deep, no barrier too great and no ceiling too high for all who work hard, never back down, always keep going, have faith in God, in our country, and in each other".
Hillary had a big task to finish -- to tell her supporters to support Barack Obama. Dressed in her bright tangerine pantsuits, she walked onto the stage, kissed her daughter Chelsea, waved at the crowd some of them had tears in their eyes. They screamed her name and waved back enthusiastically with so much admiration and love. Her job tonight: to promote her political future and unify her party. Clinton did here best. But was her best good enough to convince her supporters to let her go, move on, and vote for Obama?
She called on her "sisters" to support Obama. Did her words stand in her way? Did she deliver tonight? Did she mention gay rights?
Hillary, acknowledging her supporters -- calling 18 million of them "sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits"

Ambrose Aban:
"If you want a taste of freedom, keep going...we are Americans, we are not big on losing and giving up...we don't have a moment to lose or a vote to spare. Think about your children on our election day. We got to ensure the choice in this election honors the people who have fought for us..." Looking great in her bright tangerine pantsuit set against the blue background of the DNC stage tonight, Hillary started off by asking her supporters to support Obama. That was what Obama needed. That was a big speech. She mentioned Obama at least 10 ten times, proving to everyone that she is the bigger one, mature one and professional one. She also mentioned gay righs once (and for us once is good enough) This is a bad night for Hillary haters and for the press who have been treating her unfairly now and during the primary process. She addressed all the concerns we have. Clearly she wants to move on. She is kind of saying, "I am not your therapist, I am a Democrat...so let's move on...".
Chris Goodridge:
There are so many undertones in her speech tonight tho quite spectacular in my opinion. But did she deliver? Yes and no. Yes because she brought it down to the wire tonight. No because democrats left the convention center, scratching their heads, asking why the hell is she not the presidential candidate? Twice she had it -- first the dem super delagates picked Obama (and helped him win the nomination), and then she was not even on Obama's shortlist for VP. That has to hurt her supporters and her fundraising arm. In my opinion, she did not deliver 100%. And Obama is left in a shaky situation. McCain's people are ready to pound on her speech just because she did not mention Obama's readiness. I agree with her when she said that we've got to ensure that the choice we make in this election honors the sacrifices of all who came before us, and will fill the lives of our children with possibility and hope. I thought that was so powerful and genuine.
Bill Clinton,hanging on to his wife's every word

George Tyler:
Yes she did. "Let's keep moving." She didn't mention her husband. She is kind of reminding us that she is an independent woman. She gave a presidential speech. That was a speech made for presidents. Not for herself or Joe Biden. She rocked it. She nailed it. She covered it. Did she deliver: Nope. Because people love her even more and not Obama.
Jefferey Johnson:
She was perfect. Tho she never address the ability of Obama taking the job as the manager of war and the economy, it is still a bad night for her haters. She also mentioned Michelle Obama, calling her a great woman, she even praised McCain where it is due, she called him as a good friend and a celebrated war hero, she mentioned everything that was needed to be mentioned. And...because of that, people are even more angry because she is not going to be the next president of America. She basically called on her supporters to get over it, keep going until Obama is in the White House. Did she deliver? Yes, in a way, she did what she came to do.
Obama watching Hillary delivering her speech on TV

Phil Spencer:
She did once mentioned "As I recall, President Clinton and the Democrats did it before" as CNN's camera zoomed on Bill's face (listening to her every word intensely). For a moment I thought I saw a tear in Bill's eyes. She did great for herself, but more importantly she did great for Obama and for America tonight. She wrapped up day-two of the convention in style, electrifying everyone around the world. She was a class act tonight. Hillary Rodham Clinton, our favorite girl. She delivered 50/50.
Chris Goodridge:
Hillary, as expected, rocked it all night long at the DNC in Denver tonight. What do you think oif the introduction by her daughter, Chelsea? What a sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits! It was so unselfish, so genuine, and so sincere. She was such a generous act, calling for unity, one party, winning the election. Women's rights, unity and the economy -- she covered them all tonight -- in ghe greatest of style. This is not a good night to be a republican.
Jefferey Johnson:
She was amazing, Chelsea was stunning, and Bill as always, looking suave and handsome in the crowd. What a family. What a night. This is the woman who delivers when she needs to. She did that tonight. It was perfect. Hillary was perfect. Checked. She challenged her supporters to vote for Obama. Checked. She reminded the people to think of their children on election day. Checked.
Phil Spencer:
What a loving mother and a courageous leader she is. And he is. Chelaea is a headturner, has certainly grown into a lovely young woman. People had tears in their eyes during her speech. She was moving the crowd. A class act. She was presidential tonight. She is evidence that women had come so far. She didn't stumble on a line or something, she was just so perfect. She was in a league of her own. There's never a loser who is more generous than the winner.
George Tyler:
The entire convention center shook vigorously when she appeared from the backdrop and walked to the podium, waving at her supporters, taking her time, acknowledging the crowd, pointing to them as cameras focusing on her and Bill who was watching proudly. People are genuinely and truly truly moved and touched by Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Chris Goodridge:
You just saw it yourself. You know it was a presidential speech. We saw in Hillary what our potential future could be. We could envision that we can have jobs and we are respected on a global level. She could have taken us there. She delivered yes - for herself, not Obama.

Ambrose Aban:
The moment Chelsea mentioned her as "my mom", I knew the night was meant just for Hillary Clinton. I knew she was going to work the crowd -- no one can emulate (not even Bill) and can steal her thunders. As she has said tonight, progress is indeed a never an easy thing, we need to elect a president that can compete in global economy, we need a president who understands the global economy, who can build a green economy. She said profoundly, the genius of America understands the needs of America.
We are watching Hillary's primetime speech/s response at this time on CNN and will be back with more from Chris, Jefferey, Phil and George, my dearest friends and bloggers.
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