Obama says "I want someone to challenge me..." Suddenly Hillary's name comes to mind. He sounds now like she did back at the primary. Who would you recommend for the country?

Ambrose Aban:
Hillary Rodham Clinton. Because she is phenomenal and she has extra 20 million votes. 18 million of them are women. That's 18 million cracks up there for Hill. She won big, swing states including Pennsylvania and Ohio in the primary. Hill will not only be Obama's best team partner in the White House but also the best executive for this country. And that's where the problem lies -- the fact that she is better and more prepared to pick up the red phone at 3am. She has been gracious to the Obama campaign. And there is Bill we all can always count on. Adding her name to the ticket would unite and energize the remaining Democrats who are slow to warm up to Bam. We heard a recent poll of convention delegate showed that nearly 30% would like to see Hill as VP, by far the largest bloc. She is also ready to take on the national security. With our favorite girl on the ticket, all evidence points to united party and a Democratic victory in November. Meanwhile, McCain has been on roll, delivering jabs at Obama. Obama has also been called an elitist. And he has a problem dealing with that. Yes he owns one house (but not because he is poor, he is also a millionaire). And he thinks McCain should not have more than one also, and should not be richer than the middle class America. That is why Obama is not doing well as he should (with all the media behind him and the 5-3 ratio in adspend, $55 mil in July for Obama against $33 mil for McCain, etc). Hillary will never say things like that or take McCain's definition of "rich" seriously. She knows it is a joke. God forbids, if something happens to Obama, she can step in like the president. But it is NAC - not a chance!
George Tyler:
The Hillary factor: She knows McCain well enough and she knows how to attack and strike effectively. Yes she can handle national security just as good if not better than McCain. With McCain hitting hard on Obama, he needs Hillary more than any of the guys we've been hearing about..especially that Tim Kayne guy, the Gov. from Pennsylvania. She knows McCain is a former bomb thrower who also hates the war. She knows McCain well enough to talk about his many homes, etc) and to change the dynamic of the campaign. Obama, like, the rest of the guys, cannot jazz it up out there. Hillary can.
Chris Goodridge:
Obama is still stuggling with the middle class. And Obama is wealthy and a latte-drinking liberal, too. McCain is going to get aggressive and will defense himself effectively. Obama will be seen as a poor soul trying to figure out how in the world did McCain manage to marry a very very very rich wife. We cannot deny that McCain has all the right qualities, skills, and advantages of micro elements etc to win in November while Obama is slipping down in the poll, he should make it simple and shorten his long sentences. He needs to be more aggressive.
Jefferey Johnson:
Hill would be an oustanding VP. She is also more than ready to take over...whenever.
Her issue has always been the economy. Obama got the nomination because of the troubled war. People hate the war that is costing so much money and so many lives including the Iraqis. But war is McCain's strongest suit. And McCain is the better manager of war and Hill is the better manager of our economy. Obama is neither here nor there. I am just saying...Hillary voted for the war, she did, but she did not vote for failure. Obama knew that but he used that against her back in the primary. There is no way for him to pick Hill because she is way too smart and she will, no doubt, 101%, will outshine him. And that is not good. Also, you are right, McCain and Obama are both wealthy, both millionaire...only Obama sounds more unbelievable.
Phil Spencer:
Hill's a breath of fresh air, she would be a phenomenal executive. She shares American principle and values. She is calm and collected, a soothing voice we all can count on...a voice that says "we'll be there and we'll get there together". People like that. We are tired of Bam promising hope and change. Change is a woman president and not half-black, half-white president. Obama should not have mentioned anything about McCain's many homes and should have just stuck to the real issues -- the economy and war. McCain campaign hits back today, linking Obama to a convicted felon. Obama should not have blasted McCain on his homes. Time and time again, Obama did not stick to his campaign's master plan of action. You will never hear Hillary saying things that are trivial and insignificant. I saw Hillary today on CNN and I couldn't help but noticing -- she didn't sound like she meant it when she urged her supporters to vote for Obama.
Chris Goodridge:
I agree. She didn't sound genuine enough. "I strongly urge you to reconsider...". . But do they listen this time? The poll shows McCain is leading in the poll...and 27% of Hill's supporter are not sure who to support. You all sound like you want McCain to take over the White House. I am a fan of Obama and Hillary but McCain is really the more qualified guy to lead this country. With all the scandals of the past, big national programs, I also see a bigger opportunity if Hillary is in the ticket. Obama is trying to attract maximum exposure by telling the press that he is going to introduce his running mate "to the world" real soon.
George Tyler:
As Miranda Priestly says in Devil Wears Prada: "You're an idiot if you don't hire her" I can't believe I'm going to say this, but looking at the political landscape, Hillary is the most practical choice for Vice President.
Ambrose Aban:
For the country, gosh, we can't imagine who will be on the Republican ticket. Tom Rich? Joe Lib for the Dem? Tim Kayne? None of them is like Hillary. Ok, number one, she is a woman, that's a change, right there. Number two, she is a major international figure and a political icon with powerful political connections and the Dem party is expected to unite behind her. Hillary is the best girl in the business. She can fill in the national security form. Bill thinks so, too (not because she is his wife, but because he knows her the most).
Jefferey Johnson:
Back then, Lincoln had no say in who his Vice Presidential pick was, that was decided at the convention, but he did get to pick his cabinet. According to a news report recently, in May when Obama was asked if he would pick Hillary as VP, he spoke of the book as precedent for that decision.
"I will tell you, though, that my goal is to have the best possible government, and that means me winning," Obama said, per ABC News' Sunlen Miller. "And so, I am very practical minded. I'm a practical-minded guy. And, you know, one of my heroes is Abraham Lincoln."
George Tyler:
It is really a good time for Dem leaders to do what Lincoln would do, unite the party and head towards the White House. Pick Hillary Clinton. Put her in the White House, give Bill a big role to play, and bring back the economy and the soldiers home safely. It is so sad that she is not the nominee because she has been in the White House...like her husband, Bill (who was a great President by the way), she is good, smart, fearless, and she is powerful and she is Hillary Rodham Clinton, not just another politician. So, yes, I agree...choose someone else, and Obama will lose in November...Obama, you are an idiot if you didn't pick Hillary as America's VP!
Obama says "I want someone to challenge me..." Suddenly Hillary's name comes to mind. He sounds now like she did back at the primary. Who would you recommend for the country?

Ambrose Aban:
Hillary Rodham Clinton. Because she is phenomenal and she has extra 20 million votes. 18 million of them are women. That's 18 million cracks up there for Hill. She won big, swing states including Pennsylvania and Ohio in the primary. Hill will not only be Obama's best team partner in the White House but also the best executive for this country. And that's where the problem lies -- the fact that she is better and more prepared to pick up the red phone at 3am. She has been gracious to the Obama campaign. And there is Bill we all can always count on. Adding her name to the ticket would unite and energize the remaining Democrats who are slow to warm up to Bam. We heard a recent poll of convention delegate showed that nearly 30% would like to see Hill as VP, by far the largest bloc. She is also ready to take on the national security. With our favorite girl on the ticket, all evidence points to united party and a Democratic victory in November. Meanwhile, McCain has been on roll, delivering jabs at Obama. Obama has also been called an elitist. And he has a problem dealing with that. Yes he owns one house (but not because he is poor, he is also a millionaire). And he thinks McCain should not have more than one also, and should not be richer than the middle class America. That is why Obama is not doing well as he should (with all the media behind him and the 5-3 ratio in adspend, $55 mil in July for Obama against $33 mil for McCain, etc). Hillary will never say things like that or take McCain's definition of "rich" seriously. She knows it is a joke. God forbids, if something happens to Obama, she can step in like the president. But it is NAC - not a chance!
George Tyler:
The Hillary factor: She knows McCain well enough and she knows how to attack and strike effectively. Yes she can handle national security just as good if not better than McCain. With McCain hitting hard on Obama, he needs Hillary more than any of the guys we've been hearing about..especially that Tim Kayne guy, the Gov. from Pennsylvania. She knows McCain is a former bomb thrower who also hates the war. She knows McCain well enough to talk about his many homes, etc) and to change the dynamic of the campaign. Obama, like, the rest of the guys, cannot jazz it up out there. Hillary can.
Chris Goodridge:
Obama is still stuggling with the middle class. And Obama is wealthy and a latte-drinking liberal, too. McCain is going to get aggressive and will defense himself effectively. Obama will be seen as a poor soul trying to figure out how in the world did McCain manage to marry a very very very rich wife. We cannot deny that McCain has all the right qualities, skills, and advantages of micro elements etc to win in November while Obama is slipping down in the poll, he should make it simple and shorten his long sentences. He needs to be more aggressive.
Jefferey Johnson:
Hill would be an oustanding VP. She is also more than ready to take over...whenever.
Her issue has always been the economy. Obama got the nomination because of the troubled war. People hate the war that is costing so much money and so many lives including the Iraqis. But war is McCain's strongest suit. And McCain is the better manager of war and Hill is the better manager of our economy. Obama is neither here nor there. I am just saying...Hillary voted for the war, she did, but she did not vote for failure. Obama knew that but he used that against her back in the primary. There is no way for him to pick Hill because she is way too smart and she will, no doubt, 101%, will outshine him. And that is not good. Also, you are right, McCain and Obama are both wealthy, both millionaire...only Obama sounds more unbelievable.
Phil Spencer:
Hill's a breath of fresh air, she would be a phenomenal executive. She shares American principle and values. She is calm and collected, a soothing voice we all can count on...a voice that says "we'll be there and we'll get there together". People like that. We are tired of Bam promising hope and change. Change is a woman president and not half-black, half-white president. Obama should not have mentioned anything about McCain's many homes and should have just stuck to the real issues -- the economy and war. McCain campaign hits back today, linking Obama to a convicted felon. Obama should not have blasted McCain on his homes. Time and time again, Obama did not stick to his campaign's master plan of action. You will never hear Hillary saying things that are trivial and insignificant. I saw Hillary today on CNN and I couldn't help but noticing -- she didn't sound like she meant it when she urged her supporters to vote for Obama.
Chris Goodridge:
I agree. She didn't sound genuine enough. "I strongly urge you to reconsider...". . But do they listen this time? The poll shows McCain is leading in the poll...and 27% of Hill's supporter are not sure who to support. You all sound like you want McCain to take over the White House. I am a fan of Obama and Hillary but McCain is really the more qualified guy to lead this country. With all the scandals of the past, big national programs, I also see a bigger opportunity if Hillary is in the ticket. Obama is trying to attract maximum exposure by telling the press that he is going to introduce his running mate "to the world" real soon.
George Tyler:
As Miranda Priestly says in Devil Wears Prada: "You're an idiot if you don't hire her" I can't believe I'm going to say this, but looking at the political landscape, Hillary is the most practical choice for Vice President.
Ambrose Aban:
For the country, gosh, we can't imagine who will be on the Republican ticket. Tom Rich? Joe Lib for the Dem? Tim Kayne? None of them is like Hillary. Ok, number one, she is a woman, that's a change, right there. Number two, she is a major international figure and a political icon with powerful political connections and the Dem party is expected to unite behind her. Hillary is the best girl in the business. She can fill in the national security form. Bill thinks so, too (not because she is his wife, but because he knows her the most).
Jefferey Johnson:
Back then, Lincoln had no say in who his Vice Presidential pick was, that was decided at the convention, but he did get to pick his cabinet. According to a news report recently, in May when Obama was asked if he would pick Hillary as VP, he spoke of the book as precedent for that decision.
"I will tell you, though, that my goal is to have the best possible government, and that means me winning," Obama said, per ABC News' Sunlen Miller. "And so, I am very practical minded. I'm a practical-minded guy. And, you know, one of my heroes is Abraham Lincoln."
George Tyler:
It is really a good time for Dem leaders to do what Lincoln would do, unite the party and head towards the White House. Pick Hillary Clinton. Put her in the White House, give Bill a big role to play, and bring back the economy and the soldiers home safely. It is so sad that she is not the nominee because she has been in the White House...like her husband, Bill (who was a great President by the way), she is good, smart, fearless, and she is powerful and she is Hillary Rodham Clinton, not just another politician. So, yes, I agree...choose someone else, and Obama will lose in November...Obama, you are an idiot if you didn't pick Hillary as America's VP!
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