Senator Joe Biden is Obama's running mate. How great of an advocate would he be?

Ambrose Aban:
He is the one. Senator Joe Biden of Delaware. I am still following the GOP responses on Larry King, and yes, I got my text message around 9pm tonight. It is official now. Biden is now on the front page of Obama's website. We don't know about his financial, social record, etc, do we? McCain's people and the press are going to dig deeper on Biden's past in the next few hours. Have you heard anything else? His legal trouble? Women, sex, etc? I heard he has a son going to Iraq. And he is super cute. Is he straight, bi, gay?
George Tyler:
Slow dowm...Yep, it's official. Barack Obama named his running mate and according to a Democratic official, he is obviously trying to balance his ticket with a seasoned congressional veteran well-versed in foreign policy and defense issues. Obama wanted someone energetic and someone who is able. We will learn more and more about him in the next few hours.
Chris Goodridge:
And all the dirty details, too. Was he a good choice? Yes. But not the best. Not the right one,according to McCain's people and some Dem people.
Ambrose Aban:
I dont't know him well to agree at this time. But I am watching Larry King now. One of Larry's guests, the gorgeous guy, is also saying that Biden is the wrong choice. What people want to know if (while McCain is a war hero) Biden is a wisdom? And, before I forget, shout out to Candy Crowley -- a great journalist, a class act. Is this Biden guy the most mascular and macho of them all on war and on issue #1? I heard he is an expert in foreign policy. And I remember in a debate during the primary process, Biden said it very clearly (when he was still runing to become the next president of America going against Obama and all the other candidates) that Obama "is not ready to be the president"
Chris GOodrige:
Ouch! Yes, Joe Biden said that very clearly during that debate. Tonight, in Denver, Associate Press said that Obama went with the status quo. In picking Biden to be his running mate, Obama sought to shore up his weakness — inexperience in office and on foreign policy — rather than underscore his strength as a new-generation candidate defying political conventions. And yes, his son is super cute.
Jefferey Johnson:
Obama picked the ultimate insider rather than a candidate from outside of Washington, such as Govs. Tim Kaine of Virginia or Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas; or from outside his party, such as Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska; or from outside the mostly white male club of vice presidential candidates. I am not impressed.
Ambrose Aban:
We also learned from CNN that Hillary Rodham Clinton didn't even make his short list. So much for saying that Hillary "should be on everybody's list" shortly after he was nominated as the Democratic nominee. Do you think Oprah and Michelle Obama have something to do with his decision?
Phil Spencer:
Absolutely I think so. I am cool with Obama's choice since he cannot handle Hillary who is too good to be his VP. Biden doesn't represent the middle class, yes?
George Tyler:
You bet. But America is quick to realize tonight that Obama is really not ready to the President of the United States. And many people (especially Hillary's 20 mil+ supporters) now think that Obama is indeed an idiot.

Ambrose Aban:
He is the one. Senator Joe Biden of Delaware. I am still following the GOP responses on Larry King, and yes, I got my text message around 9pm tonight. It is official now. Biden is now on the front page of Obama's website. We don't know about his financial, social record, etc, do we? McCain's people and the press are going to dig deeper on Biden's past in the next few hours. Have you heard anything else? His legal trouble? Women, sex, etc? I heard he has a son going to Iraq. And he is super cute. Is he straight, bi, gay?
George Tyler:
Slow dowm...Yep, it's official. Barack Obama named his running mate and according to a Democratic official, he is obviously trying to balance his ticket with a seasoned congressional veteran well-versed in foreign policy and defense issues. Obama wanted someone energetic and someone who is able. We will learn more and more about him in the next few hours.
Chris Goodridge:
And all the dirty details, too. Was he a good choice? Yes. But not the best. Not the right one,according to McCain's people and some Dem people.
Ambrose Aban:
I dont't know him well to agree at this time. But I am watching Larry King now. One of Larry's guests, the gorgeous guy, is also saying that Biden is the wrong choice. What people want to know if (while McCain is a war hero) Biden is a wisdom? And, before I forget, shout out to Candy Crowley -- a great journalist, a class act. Is this Biden guy the most mascular and macho of them all on war and on issue #1? I heard he is an expert in foreign policy. And I remember in a debate during the primary process, Biden said it very clearly (when he was still runing to become the next president of America going against Obama and all the other candidates) that Obama "is not ready to be the president"
Chris GOodrige:
Ouch! Yes, Joe Biden said that very clearly during that debate. Tonight, in Denver, Associate Press said that Obama went with the status quo. In picking Biden to be his running mate, Obama sought to shore up his weakness — inexperience in office and on foreign policy — rather than underscore his strength as a new-generation candidate defying political conventions. And yes, his son is super cute.
Jefferey Johnson:
Obama picked the ultimate insider rather than a candidate from outside of Washington, such as Govs. Tim Kaine of Virginia or Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas; or from outside his party, such as Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska; or from outside the mostly white male club of vice presidential candidates. I am not impressed.
Ambrose Aban:
We also learned from CNN that Hillary Rodham Clinton didn't even make his short list. So much for saying that Hillary "should be on everybody's list" shortly after he was nominated as the Democratic nominee. Do you think Oprah and Michelle Obama have something to do with his decision?
Phil Spencer:
Absolutely I think so. I am cool with Obama's choice since he cannot handle Hillary who is too good to be his VP. Biden doesn't represent the middle class, yes?
George Tyler:
You bet. But America is quick to realize tonight that Obama is really not ready to the President of the United States. And many people (especially Hillary's 20 mil+ supporters) now think that Obama is indeed an idiot.
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