Category 3 Hurricance Gustav, with winds at 85mph, approaches the Big Easy as Chris and his BF get out of harm's way
Time: 12:00am
Date: Monday, Sept 1st, 2008
Category: 3
Winds: 115mph
Current Location: 171 miles from New Orleans
What to expect: Down powerline, down trees, low lying areas flooding
QueerGam talks to Chris Herrera who got out of New Orleans earlier this evening. He and his boyfriend, Jeff, drove all day to a safer place -- gay-friendly Austin in Texas.
Ambrose Aban:
Gustav, traveling at 80mph, will be hitting coastal towns in a few hours and will be crushing New Orleans with winds over 115/mph by 8am tomorrow morning. We are seeing a mass exodus from the gulf coast. Current location: 171 miles from New Orleans. CNN says at least 95% of the people of New Orleans have been evacuated. Chris, thank you so much for calling today. The satellite is showing that Gustav is approaching New Orleans with 115mph at 16 miles per hour. It will be hitting coastal towns at sunrise. It is a Category 3 Hurricance as of 11pm tonight. Water level (at midnight) is 2ft higher. New Orleans, as we know, is sitting below sea level. I am so glad you and Jeff got out of there. How is the guesthouse in Austin? How long are you guys going to be there? Everything is ok? How was the drive to Austin?
The storm had earlier killed more than 80 people when it swept through the Caribbean below.

Chris Herrera:
Everything is ok, Ambrose. We just got here a few hours ago. We didn't have to, you know. Wehope everyone is making it safely somewhere. We decided to drive to Austin instead of staying with his sister in Atlanta. We are staying at a guesthouse tonight and tomorrow night. Surprisingly nice and clean. Also $38 a night, double bed with TV.
Ambrose Aban:
I hate that this is happening to you and New Orleans again...
Chris Herrera:
Jeff and I are very tired but we are safe here. Jeff is sleeping. We'll grab a quick dinner later. Our stuff are still in the cars. We got to Austin around 6pm today. We are visiting with Jeff's good friends who are living in Austin day after tomorrow for a few days. We are ok for now Ambrose. And yes, we all have learned a lot from Katrina. People care about their lives.
Ambrose Aban:
I am so happy to know you are in Austin. What did you bring with you?
Chris Herrera:
Our laptops are very important to us. Mine was the first thing I packed. I am not sure what Jeff brought but I know he packed important documents, our work stuff, bills, I packed three suit cases with work clothes, shoes, and curtains, comforters, sheets, pillowcases, photo frames, etc. Jeff stuffed his SUV with our electronics -- TV, microwave, coffeemaker, etc. We drove here all day. We tried to pack as many things as we can -- things that mean a lot to us like presents, gitfs from friends...I packed all the basic stuff in case we have to find a new place to live. Everything we carried with us are things that we need everyday.Unfortunately we have to leave behind our bed, our whole kitchen, sofas, dining table, carpets, and our lovely furniture -- these are the things we can buy again later, they mean nothing to us now.
Ambrose Aban:
I am so sorry to hear that, Chris. I hope your place is dry when you return, especially your kitchen. I know you guys love your kitchen so much. I wish I am there right now with you and Jeff. When are you guys going home? In a few days?
Chris Herrea:
Yeah it would be so much fun having you here. We still have each other to go through this and we feel blessed to have each other. Some people have to go through this on their own. Jeff and I love our jobs in New Orleans and we hope nothing bad like Katrina will happen when we return. Gustav is going to land around afternoon tomorrow. I heard from the radio -- the city is almost empty, more than 2 million people have evacuated.I am not sure when we will return. Hopefully in a few days. I hope our house is still there when we return.
Ambrose Aban:
I feel better knowing you and Jeff are safe. You guys are more than welcomed to San Francisco. Please enjoy yourself while you are in Austin. There is nothing you can do about your house in New Orleans. And call me whenever. I love you Chris. Take care you guys.
Chris Herrera:
Love you. Will call you tomorrow. Good night.
Date: Monday, Sept 1st, 2008
Category: 3
Winds: 115mph
Current Location: 171 miles from New Orleans
What to expect: Down powerline, down trees, low lying areas flooding
QueerGam talks to Chris Herrera who got out of New Orleans earlier this evening. He and his boyfriend, Jeff, drove all day to a safer place -- gay-friendly Austin in Texas.
Ambrose Aban:
Gustav, traveling at 80mph, will be hitting coastal towns in a few hours and will be crushing New Orleans with winds over 115/mph by 8am tomorrow morning. We are seeing a mass exodus from the gulf coast. Current location: 171 miles from New Orleans. CNN says at least 95% of the people of New Orleans have been evacuated. Chris, thank you so much for calling today. The satellite is showing that Gustav is approaching New Orleans with 115mph at 16 miles per hour. It will be hitting coastal towns at sunrise. It is a Category 3 Hurricance as of 11pm tonight. Water level (at midnight) is 2ft higher. New Orleans, as we know, is sitting below sea level. I am so glad you and Jeff got out of there. How is the guesthouse in Austin? How long are you guys going to be there? Everything is ok? How was the drive to Austin?
The storm had earlier killed more than 80 people when it swept through the Caribbean below.

Chris Herrera:
Everything is ok, Ambrose. We just got here a few hours ago. We didn't have to, you know. Wehope everyone is making it safely somewhere. We decided to drive to Austin instead of staying with his sister in Atlanta. We are staying at a guesthouse tonight and tomorrow night. Surprisingly nice and clean. Also $38 a night, double bed with TV.
Ambrose Aban:
I hate that this is happening to you and New Orleans again...
Chris Herrera:
Jeff and I are very tired but we are safe here. Jeff is sleeping. We'll grab a quick dinner later. Our stuff are still in the cars. We got to Austin around 6pm today. We are visiting with Jeff's good friends who are living in Austin day after tomorrow for a few days. We are ok for now Ambrose. And yes, we all have learned a lot from Katrina. People care about their lives.
Ambrose Aban:
I am so happy to know you are in Austin. What did you bring with you?
Chris Herrera:
Our laptops are very important to us. Mine was the first thing I packed. I am not sure what Jeff brought but I know he packed important documents, our work stuff, bills, I packed three suit cases with work clothes, shoes, and curtains, comforters, sheets, pillowcases, photo frames, etc. Jeff stuffed his SUV with our electronics -- TV, microwave, coffeemaker, etc. We drove here all day. We tried to pack as many things as we can -- things that mean a lot to us like presents, gitfs from friends...I packed all the basic stuff in case we have to find a new place to live. Everything we carried with us are things that we need everyday.Unfortunately we have to leave behind our bed, our whole kitchen, sofas, dining table, carpets, and our lovely furniture -- these are the things we can buy again later, they mean nothing to us now.
Ambrose Aban:
I am so sorry to hear that, Chris. I hope your place is dry when you return, especially your kitchen. I know you guys love your kitchen so much. I wish I am there right now with you and Jeff. When are you guys going home? In a few days?
Chris Herrea:
Yeah it would be so much fun having you here. We still have each other to go through this and we feel blessed to have each other. Some people have to go through this on their own. Jeff and I love our jobs in New Orleans and we hope nothing bad like Katrina will happen when we return. Gustav is going to land around afternoon tomorrow. I heard from the radio -- the city is almost empty, more than 2 million people have evacuated.I am not sure when we will return. Hopefully in a few days. I hope our house is still there when we return.
Ambrose Aban:
I feel better knowing you and Jeff are safe. You guys are more than welcomed to San Francisco. Please enjoy yourself while you are in Austin. There is nothing you can do about your house in New Orleans. And call me whenever. I love you Chris. Take care you guys.
Chris Herrera:
Love you. Will call you tomorrow. Good night.
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