[Beijing 08] 6 Days

With the fall of the world's fastest woman, Marion Jones, will our athletes be pressured to regain the American prestige in track and field at the Bird Nest in Beijing? The pressure is intense and the temptation to cheat is real.
Coaches and the public tell our athletes: Don't be # 2, be # 1. That is a powerful drug.
We hope American athletes work hard for their gold medals. And not cheat the world. Success without honor, is like an unseasoned food, it fills you up, but taste no good.

With the fall of the world's fastest woman, Marion Jones, will our athletes be pressured to regain the American prestige in track and field at the Bird Nest in Beijing? The pressure is intense and the temptation to cheat is real.
Coaches and the public tell our athletes: Don't be # 2, be # 1. That is a powerful drug.
We hope American athletes work hard for their gold medals. And not cheat the world. Success without honor, is like an unseasoned food, it fills you up, but taste no good.