While it was a bitter sweet week for our precious gymnast, Alexander Artemev, (last minute substitute for Morgan Hamm) and his team mates, our beloved and former senator, John Edwards, has yet to come clean with his affair and his love child.

The dashing and suave politician has been caught lying about his affair with that Hunter woman and their love child for many months – and now the proof against him is piling up. His elaborate coverup is unraveling at the seams. This is really begining to look very tacky and cheap. It is not his affair that bothers some people but the fact that he thinks we are idiots.

The dashing and suave politician has been caught lying about his affair with that Hunter woman and their love child for many months – and now the proof against him is piling up. His elaborate coverup is unraveling at the seams. This is really begining to look very tacky and cheap. It is not his affair that bothers some people but the fact that he thinks we are idiots.
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