Are newly-weds in California in trouble?

Same sex marriage will be put to the test on Nov. 4, when gay and gay-friendly voters in California -- expected to turn out in record numbers to support same sex marriage -- also will face a proposition to put a ban on same-sex marriage in the state Constitution. The foregone conclusion, expressed by prominent gay journalist, Andrew Sullivan, and others, is that this means trouble for gay newlyweds. According to a news report recently, blacks, like whites, are divided on the issue. In March 2000, when Californians voted on Proposition 22 (the statutory ban on gay marriage that the state Supreme Court struck down in May this year), a Los Angeles Times exit poll showed that levels of support were very similar among the major ethnic groups, with Hispanics slightly more opposed to allowing gays to marry, Asians and whites slightly less opposed, and blacks right in the middle.
