Animal-rights groups protest pits' portrayal in ad. He could have been my Mr. Pickle. Humane Society, ASPCA say dogs depicted unfairly in LG Dare spots.
This is as cheap as it gets. And distasteful as it can possibly be. It cannot get any more disgusting than this. This is one painful TVC to watch. What do you think might have motivated the creative heads hired by Verizon Wireless to do this ad? The commercial, as reported recently in AdAge, shows a young man trying to obtain the phone by climbing a junkyard fence, when he is instantly greeted by two pit bulls. The dogs, with cropped ears and metal choke collars, bark ferociously and lunge at the intruder. They are just a hair's breadth away from the phone because their heavy metal chains do not quite extend far enough. People in the dog-saving and dog-loving business have all asked Verizon to pull the ad. And dozens of pet-related websites, have posted petitions and message boards on the web protesting the ad with slogans like "Can They Hear Us Now?"
Hmmm...you wish! This is business as usual. We are talking about a bunch of very kind and nice people who are at the same time very desperate creative writers and art directors who must do what they have to do to outdo their main competitors within the telecommunication practice. They have no care and they only want to create ads that will do just that -- selling the product, even if it means lowering their standards, ignoring their values, and cheapening themselves.