There's something about women that many of us gay men find fascinating. The Golden Girls was a show that starred four women and in most episodes there were no men at all. It was quite groundbreaking to see four women gabbing about whatever, making fun of each other and themselves, talking about sex, about life. Not to mention women in their 60s and up - who dared to come up with that concept? Who could've imagined it would actually be successful? They were the original Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha. They were quirky, they were flawed, they were lovable. And personally, I don't find too many comedies to be funny. But that show was hilarious.
Sophia, played by the late Estelle Getty, was the mother, the oldest one, and one with some of the best one liners. You knew she was going to say something outrageous, you were just waiting for it. The Golden Girls was a pretty typical sitcom when it came to the writing, the situations, but we grew to love these ladies and the writing delivered. The show made me laugh out loud many times. Estelle, you will be missed.

GUEST BLOGGER: Ido Kadman, New York
Ido is a PR Specialist based in Manhattan. He lives a fabulous life as a single gay man (definitely by choice) in the big city and moves fast -- too fast for some married men to catch. He adores Sophia.
Sophia, played by the late Estelle Getty, was the mother, the oldest one, and one with some of the best one liners. You knew she was going to say something outrageous, you were just waiting for it. The Golden Girls was a pretty typical sitcom when it came to the writing, the situations, but we grew to love these ladies and the writing delivered. The show made me laugh out loud many times. Estelle, you will be missed.

GUEST BLOGGER: Ido Kadman, New York
Ido is a PR Specialist based in Manhattan. He lives a fabulous life as a single gay man (definitely by choice) in the big city and moves fast -- too fast for some married men to catch. He adores Sophia.