A little planning can make all the difference
Queers, I've been asked to host a sex party last weekend and I had no idea what to do or how to get things started. So I asked a dear friend in LA who knows everything about sex parties. He asked me: "Have you ever imagined two of your friends fucking while you watched?" I froze. That was it. I couldn't do it. I couldn't plan this sex party. So I emailed another dear friend in San Francisco who loves sex and who loves to entertain boys. He asked me to check sites like www.guysgocrazy.com and www.gaycollegesexpartiesblog.com for some ideas tho there's no substitute for actually hosting one. Also, I found out about regular sex parties on Manhunt.net and Gay.com. I checked the sites. Very helpful. The sex itself is simple. As orgy aficianados will tell you, a tangled and writhing mass of naked men is much like a kaleidoscope. No matter which way you turn it, it looks pretty. But assembling the right group of tops and bottoms and vers and setting the beds everywhere with fresh flowers, strawberries, etc, can be a fine art.
So there I was hosting my very first gang bang. You'll need to be aware of every guest's proclivities so that you end up with a nice ratio of tops to bottoms. After all -- nothing kills the mood faster than a room full of pouty bottoms, all starig at the same dildo. That almost happened to my party -- 6 tops, 14 bottoms! I had to screw a few guys as my punishment. It was embarrassing. I've learned that if you party is going about 20 guests, make sure the tops are more than bottoms. Trust me.
Make sure your apartment is clean, your precious items, watches, diamonds, valuable things be locked safely, no candles, no screaming or loud moaning and certainly no drugs. If you are dreaming of throwing a ginorous house party, please slap yourself. You don't know all your guests that well and your real friends will hold you liable if anything bad goes down. When parties get too big, youend up wth strangers bringing strangers. It may seem exciting until you all your friends' wallets and yours and electronics -iphones, ipods, are gone. It is most important to have a guest list (names and cell#s, address, HIV status). Matter how uncomfortable it may feel, you MUST ascertain the STD status of every single guest who comes in. Use Yellow Band for HIV-?, Red Band for HIV- (Negative) and Black Bands for HIV+ (Positive). Medical history should be taken before the party. But don't reject guests because of their HIV status. Unless you specify your requirements clearly. It is fun swapping spit with your buddies but not so fun getting gonorrhea from eating the same ass. Hosting a safer version of serosorting during the party was fun for me.
I made it clear that the guests wearing Red Bands are HIV-Negative. And that they MUST play safe during the party.
I was told not to decorate my place. I didn't. And thank God I didn't. The lights were, the music soft, and sex toys were their own. I provided a safer, cleaner, more intimate place for my guests to "make love" all night. And it felt good. The brewed coffee, served cookies, and sodas. Of course there were plenty of free condoms, free lube, and rolls of Bounty.
So, what are you waiting for? Party on.
Phil is a self-employed gay man who lives in a fabulous Noe Valley, San Francisco. Phil and his partner, Jeff, host chic backyard soirees on a regular basis and last weekend, for the first time, perfected the art of hosting a hot sex party with strangers.
Queers, I've been asked to host a sex party last weekend and I had no idea what to do or how to get things started. So I asked a dear friend in LA who knows everything about sex parties. He asked me: "Have you ever imagined two of your friends fucking while you watched?" I froze. That was it. I couldn't do it. I couldn't plan this sex party. So I emailed another dear friend in San Francisco who loves sex and who loves to entertain boys. He asked me to check sites like www.guysgocrazy.com and www.gaycollegesexpartiesblog.com for some ideas tho there's no substitute for actually hosting one. Also, I found out about regular sex parties on Manhunt.net and Gay.com. I checked the sites. Very helpful. The sex itself is simple. As orgy aficianados will tell you, a tangled and writhing mass of naked men is much like a kaleidoscope. No matter which way you turn it, it looks pretty. But assembling the right group of tops and bottoms and vers and setting the beds everywhere with fresh flowers, strawberries, etc, can be a fine art.
So there I was hosting my very first gang bang. You'll need to be aware of every guest's proclivities so that you end up with a nice ratio of tops to bottoms. After all -- nothing kills the mood faster than a room full of pouty bottoms, all starig at the same dildo. That almost happened to my party -- 6 tops, 14 bottoms! I had to screw a few guys as my punishment. It was embarrassing. I've learned that if you party is going about 20 guests, make sure the tops are more than bottoms. Trust me.
Make sure your apartment is clean, your precious items, watches, diamonds, valuable things be locked safely, no candles, no screaming or loud moaning and certainly no drugs. If you are dreaming of throwing a ginorous house party, please slap yourself. You don't know all your guests that well and your real friends will hold you liable if anything bad goes down. When parties get too big, youend up wth strangers bringing strangers. It may seem exciting until you all your friends' wallets and yours and electronics -iphones, ipods, are gone. It is most important to have a guest list (names and cell#s, address, HIV status). Matter how uncomfortable it may feel, you MUST ascertain the STD status of every single guest who comes in. Use Yellow Band for HIV-?, Red Band for HIV- (Negative) and Black Bands for HIV+ (Positive). Medical history should be taken before the party. But don't reject guests because of their HIV status. Unless you specify your requirements clearly. It is fun swapping spit with your buddies but not so fun getting gonorrhea from eating the same ass. Hosting a safer version of serosorting during the party was fun for me.
I made it clear that the guests wearing Red Bands are HIV-Negative. And that they MUST play safe during the party.
I was told not to decorate my place. I didn't. And thank God I didn't. The lights were, the music soft, and sex toys were their own. I provided a safer, cleaner, more intimate place for my guests to "make love" all night. And it felt good. The brewed coffee, served cookies, and sodas. Of course there were plenty of free condoms, free lube, and rolls of Bounty.
So, what are you waiting for? Party on.
Phil is a self-employed gay man who lives in a fabulous Noe Valley, San Francisco. Phil and his partner, Jeff, host chic backyard soirees on a regular basis and last weekend, for the first time, perfected the art of hosting a hot sex party with strangers.