Media continues to favor Bam as he wraps up his overseas trip. McCain feels left out, fires up the grill back home

Many of you queers now think that Obama is acting as if he’s the new Commander-In-Chief. Queers are begining to think Bam are way overrated and and over-exposed but McCain, he may be an old man, he is feeling left out and definitely under-covered and under-reported. McCain, fired up the grill for guests while Bam was away playing "President" this weekend and hosted about 75 political allies and fundraisers at one of his trademark Sedona ranch barbecues. McCain used his weekly radio address to criticize Obama while emphasizing his focus in energy.
The culprits -- journalists, favoring the younger senator.

“With all the breathless coverage (on Obama) from abroad…I’m starting to feel a little left out. Maybe you are too.” - Senator John McCain