It is indeed a very sad day for journalism. The New Yorker gave journalism a really bad name! Really really bad name! It is such a shame that journalists are bowing soooo fucking low like David Remmick, the editor of The New Yorker. This is not a free speech used in a classy way. This not the way journalists should use their power. This is certainly not the way journalists should hurt other people just because they can...this is totally distasteful, offensive and very very cheap. We don't need editors (Remmick included) who don't see themselves as perpetuating racism and hatred against people. And calling themselves to be liberal and progressive-minded individuals, institutions and corporations? That is funny, not the cover. Remmick and The New Yorker stooped, once again, to such a lack of journalistic integrity by using the above picture on the cover to sell the magazine this month. Remmick calls it "satire". And the issue? I browsed through the pages just because of the cover. I didn't buy the magazine. No fucking way. Again, to be perfectly honest, it is so disappointing, editorially I mean. The satire wasn't edgy, it went over the edge, missed its mark -- whatever its mark was.