Independence Day is a good time to remember that the gay-rights movement, far from being radical, is an expression of America’s core value — the quest for liberty. Liberty means freedom, and we now understand that freedom is the ability to have full political agency. To be a gay American is to remind others that there is nothing more American than fighting for our fundamental rights. Just how much do we queers understand the true meaning of liberty? And since this blog is all about giving gays something to bitch about, (without malice tho) is it fair to say that liberty, like age, is a state of mind?

Above, Claudio (center) and friends, celebrating Fourth at Gerry's Dolores Park home.
Let's take a look at the word: Liberty. You ask: "What liberty?" You go, angrily of course, in New York, for example, they got cameras monitoring the people, corporations are firing people for smoking and for being fat, prostitution remains illegal, drugs remain illegal, a liberal republican congressman wants to lower the speed limit to 55 and there are democrats who support his measure (keep in mind that most people drive between 65 and 80...
Below, with Eric -- Eric brought "Skinny Dip" a fabulous full-bodied Belgium beer today. What a treat.

... a restaurant/bar owner can't set his own smoking policy in his own business, an airline can keep you on a grounded plane for 8 hours against your will (a bus driver could never do that), Obama wants to increase capital gains taxes from 15% to 30%, the government can build stadiums with taxpayer dollars, most colleges have provisions against hate speech, "public" colleges get public dollars but still charge you lots of money if you want to study there (and you still need at least 500 on your GMAT.
With Matt (below), enjoying the breeze on the rooftop overlooking the legendary Dolores Park. The park served as a refugee camp during the 1902 quake. Now it is the city's most hip and happening "beach".

This is the day to express our feelings. On this day, we look back at being gay and looking and feeling fabulous, thinking just how far we've come and how open-minded and classy we've become...that is a beautiful thought. I don't care much about who is saying and thinking what on this day to be perfectly honest.

Above, our fabulous Jackson
Anyways, i am just being bitchy here, some of you have said that the Chinese are getting ready to drill for oil off the coast of Florida (is that even true?)but the EPA won't let us drill there (really?) or in any federally protected land (such as shale oil in Colorado?), and we've heard that Alaska wants to drill in ANWAR but the feds won't let them, gas is expensive and they won't even give us a gas tax holiday, your vote doesn't count because we still have an electoral college, the Chicago Tribune editorialized that we should get rid of the second amendment the day after the Supreme Court defined it as an individual right to keep and bear arms, democrats want to pass the "fairness doctrine" which would regulate free speech on conservative radio, gays can't serve openly in the military, Fox News got sued for their "fair and balanced" slogan, etc. True, we queers celebrate the fact that we can be who we are in a great liberty city like San Francisco or New York City. But as far as we are concerned, there's just a tiny little bit of liberty (to hang on to) and some bad apples trying to take it away. But at least we still have a lot more freedom than others. The irony is? Should have more? Deserve more? That's for you queers to talk about.
QueerGam: In fabulous San Francisco today, I had an incredible few hours, having fun, meeting and making new friends at Gerry's place at Dolores Park. My precious new friends, Jackson and Patrick, asked me to join them and I met with a fabulous gay man, Gerry. And his quests -- a bunch of fabulous queers -- Eric, Ray & Mark, Matt, Jared, Patrick, Claudio and a few others. Patrick cooked the most delish eggplant pasta and Eric brought a Belgium beer "Skinny Dip" to finish it off...and I was vulnerable! Afterwards I met with a friend, Steve, at Cafe Flore on Market & Noe. Being able to do all that on a day like this is really a fabulous thing. Enjoying being a boy, having friends and celebrating with them on this special day. That's liberty, right there. Being around good gay people, having a great eggplant pasta and throwing back a few cool brews in San Francisco. Can't beat that. What say you?

Above, Claudio (center) and friends, celebrating Fourth at Gerry's Dolores Park home.
Let's take a look at the word: Liberty. You ask: "What liberty?" You go, angrily of course, in New York, for example, they got cameras monitoring the people, corporations are firing people for smoking and for being fat, prostitution remains illegal, drugs remain illegal, a liberal republican congressman wants to lower the speed limit to 55 and there are democrats who support his measure (keep in mind that most people drive between 65 and 80...
Below, with Eric -- Eric brought "Skinny Dip" a fabulous full-bodied Belgium beer today. What a treat.

... a restaurant/bar owner can't set his own smoking policy in his own business, an airline can keep you on a grounded plane for 8 hours against your will (a bus driver could never do that), Obama wants to increase capital gains taxes from 15% to 30%, the government can build stadiums with taxpayer dollars, most colleges have provisions against hate speech, "public" colleges get public dollars but still charge you lots of money if you want to study there (and you still need at least 500 on your GMAT.
With Matt (below), enjoying the breeze on the rooftop overlooking the legendary Dolores Park. The park served as a refugee camp during the 1902 quake. Now it is the city's most hip and happening "beach".

This is the day to express our feelings. On this day, we look back at being gay and looking and feeling fabulous, thinking just how far we've come and how open-minded and classy we've become...that is a beautiful thought. I don't care much about who is saying and thinking what on this day to be perfectly honest.

Above, our fabulous Jackson
Anyways, i am just being bitchy here, some of you have said that the Chinese are getting ready to drill for oil off the coast of Florida (is that even true?)but the EPA won't let us drill there (really?) or in any federally protected land (such as shale oil in Colorado?), and we've heard that Alaska wants to drill in ANWAR but the feds won't let them, gas is expensive and they won't even give us a gas tax holiday, your vote doesn't count because we still have an electoral college, the Chicago Tribune editorialized that we should get rid of the second amendment the day after the Supreme Court defined it as an individual right to keep and bear arms, democrats want to pass the "fairness doctrine" which would regulate free speech on conservative radio, gays can't serve openly in the military, Fox News got sued for their "fair and balanced" slogan, etc. True, we queers celebrate the fact that we can be who we are in a great liberty city like San Francisco or New York City. But as far as we are concerned, there's just a tiny little bit of liberty (to hang on to) and some bad apples trying to take it away. But at least we still have a lot more freedom than others. The irony is? Should have more? Deserve more? That's for you queers to talk about.
QueerGam: In fabulous San Francisco today, I had an incredible few hours, having fun, meeting and making new friends at Gerry's place at Dolores Park. My precious new friends, Jackson and Patrick, asked me to join them and I met with a fabulous gay man, Gerry. And his quests -- a bunch of fabulous queers -- Eric, Ray & Mark, Matt, Jared, Patrick, Claudio and a few others. Patrick cooked the most delish eggplant pasta and Eric brought a Belgium beer "Skinny Dip" to finish it off...and I was vulnerable! Afterwards I met with a friend, Steve, at Cafe Flore on Market & Noe. Being able to do all that on a day like this is really a fabulous thing. Enjoying being a boy, having friends and celebrating with them on this special day. That's liberty, right there. Being around good gay people, having a great eggplant pasta and throwing back a few cool brews in San Francisco. Can't beat that. What say you?