Above, the ladies of The View: Goldberg, Walters, Baher, and Hasselbeck.
Jesse Jackson bitched about Obama, again, recently. Remember that? His mike was still "on" when he carelessly (he might have deliberately used the "N" word, who knows, he sounds like a loser). Today it is boiled over into a controversy when the women on the daytime TV today -- the ladies of "The View" discussed the used of the "N" word and Whoopi Goldberg put crying-baby-Elisabeth Hasselbeck in her place. Hasselbeck has not been giving audience a good point of view since she joined the show.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck:"We don't live in a different world, we live in the same world"
Whoopi Goldberg: "We do live in a different world, I am sorry, I am sorry, it's the way it is Elisabeth. This is the way is it, Elisabeth. There are huge problems that still affect us. And you got to know this if you want to know us.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: "I understand that.
Whoopi Goldberg: "You don't sound like it"
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: "I am not trying to take that away from you...
when we are living in the same world, in the pop culture...This is upsetting to me...(Hasselbeck is shedding tears at time)
Barbara Walters to Hasselbeck: "Ok just take a breath and let someone talks"
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: "Ok, because this is a conversation that is hard... We have it here... well... because we love each other... When we live in a world of pop culture that uses that term, and we are trying to get to a place that we feel like we are in the same place and in the same world...how we are suppose to then move forward with the term that brings back that pain..."
Whoopi Goldberg: "I'll tell you...here is how we do it...you listen and say, ok...this is how we do it...and this is why we use it...I understand that... but let's find a new way to move forward"
Hasselbeck, as always, did not give us a good point of view.