Nancy Pelosi calling Bill Clinton having a "late-night adult moment"...

One of her many haters has this to say: Bill Clinton was the only Democratic President that served America in the last 30 years (after 1 term for Carter) He ran a balanced budget and created jobs. He was able to come a long way with civil rights and enforcement of Federal Equal Opportunity laws. He took the guns out of the hands of children while leaving them in the hands of adults.....he had an amazing record on the environment....he developed in his administration a policy of keeping terrorists at bay and had to fight the Republicans to enforce it...he was instrumental in bringing peace to Northern Ireland and many other things. Did he sleep around? yes! Was he prosecuted and investigated by Republicans all the time he was in office? Yes. Do politicians exaggerate? Yes. The demonization of Hillary as a media exercise and campaign tactic is a disgrace. And Nancy Pelosi is a disgrace to many.
