I find the CL ad below interesting, don't you?

Looking for BOTTOMS that look like and act like TOPS - 34 (West Village)
Reply to: pers-642002970@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-04-14, 1:03PM EDT

Handsome hung (true 7.75 THICK) white top guy, 34, 6', 190, real confident, amazing in bed. Long lasting. HIV Neg. DDF.

I like to mount you bottom guys that look like top guys, act like top guys, but when in bed with a powerful bulltop - u lift your ass up and do as told.

U MUST be able to last a while, be a bit tough.

Queergam: hmmm...we see this kind of ad on CL everyday, screaming frr our attention...but who are these people -- acting and looking like tops?
