Below is a list of headlines that we think are stories that have, sadly, been most covered and featured in both the mainstream and the LGBT media (both print, electronically, and online) and have impacted us negatively instead of telling what we as a community are doing to move ahead.
10) Gay Pride violence (what is new?)
9) Susan Stanton fired from her job as city manager of Largo Fla, after transitioning from a male to female.(when is ok to be a female or be a male - remember the Khajidah Farmer story?)
8) Elizabeth Edwards breaks with husbnad John Edwards and supports same sex marriage. (well, she has the rights to support same-sex marriage and her hubby shouldn't be punished for that)
7) Jerry Sanders, San Dieggo's Republican mayor, tearfully comes out in favor of our marriage rights - seems his daughter is a gay too. (who really really cares?)
6) The "Grey's Anatomy" drama-rama (first, Issiah Washington is nobody; second, he is not a good actor)
5) Gays are nonexistent in Iran, according to the country's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Columbia University's chief executive is no match to the Iranian President who is smarter and firmer. someone in Columbia or in Washington should ask him to stop being stupid)
4) We're declared immoral by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, General Peter Pace. ( well, the military officer is the biggest loser to be perfectly honest).
3) The LOGO presidential forum (a great new beginning for us gays and human kind)
2) ENDA drama-rama-rama-rama (will be very hard-earned)
1) Larry Craig's toe-tapping (is he not the most stupid politician?)
When the media start focusing on the reality of our lives rather than focusing on how we're different, the story of who we are will finally be written. But the big story will come when there's no story at all -- when we will be considered equal to heterosexuals in all facets of our lives, and when being gay is a nonstory.
Will we be a nonstory in 2008?
10) Gay Pride violence (what is new?)
9) Susan Stanton fired from her job as city manager of Largo Fla, after transitioning from a male to female.(when is ok to be a female or be a male - remember the Khajidah Farmer story?)
8) Elizabeth Edwards breaks with husbnad John Edwards and supports same sex marriage. (well, she has the rights to support same-sex marriage and her hubby shouldn't be punished for that)
7) Jerry Sanders, San Dieggo's Republican mayor, tearfully comes out in favor of our marriage rights - seems his daughter is a gay too. (who really really cares?)
6) The "Grey's Anatomy" drama-rama (first, Issiah Washington is nobody; second, he is not a good actor)
5) Gays are nonexistent in Iran, according to the country's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Columbia University's chief executive is no match to the Iranian President who is smarter and firmer. someone in Columbia or in Washington should ask him to stop being stupid)
4) We're declared immoral by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, General Peter Pace. ( well, the military officer is the biggest loser to be perfectly honest).
3) The LOGO presidential forum (a great new beginning for us gays and human kind)
2) ENDA drama-rama-rama-rama (will be very hard-earned)
1) Larry Craig's toe-tapping (is he not the most stupid politician?)
When the media start focusing on the reality of our lives rather than focusing on how we're different, the story of who we are will finally be written. But the big story will come when there's no story at all -- when we will be considered equal to heterosexuals in all facets of our lives, and when being gay is a nonstory.
Will we be a nonstory in 2008?
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