So, other than Dennis Kucinich, who else is going for same-sex marriage?
McCainn and Juliani are ok with the issue but have yet to scream from the top of their lungs that same sex must be recognized nationwide.
Romney, Huckabee are not going there and infact want same sex to be banned. Obama, Edwards, and even Clinton have not said it very loudly. Civil unions are now being recognized in N.H as the last minute effort to attract conversative/LGBT voters. What's new?
McCainn and Juliani are ok with the issue but have yet to scream from the top of their lungs that same sex must be recognized nationwide.
Romney, Huckabee are not going there and infact want same sex to be banned. Obama, Edwards, and even Clinton have not said it very loudly. Civil unions are now being recognized in N.H as the last minute effort to attract conversative/LGBT voters. What's new?
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