A friend asked me to see RENT again. Why? I've seen it three times since 2001. He said, "see it again - Tamyra Gray is playing Mimi!" And she's the best Mimi ever!"
Okay! Let's go see RENT again. I love Tamyra Gray.
And, another friend begged me to see the amazing Fantasia - the lovable, huggable and talented people's choice, an Idol champ singing in The Color Purple - a play about love. She said in a lifetime of theatre-going, she has never seen or heard such an ovation as what greeted Fantasia (not even Effie White in DreamGirls) at the curtain call of The Color Purple. Fantasia plays Celie and she provides a soul stirring, transformatively beating heart to show. "Her pipes are amazing by the time she sings 'I am Here and I am Beautiful'" People who've seen it told me that they were going nuts, watching her. Well then, let's go see Fantasia in The Color Purple.
Okay! Let's go see RENT again. I love Tamyra Gray.
And, another friend begged me to see the amazing Fantasia - the lovable, huggable and talented people's choice, an Idol champ singing in The Color Purple - a play about love. She said in a lifetime of theatre-going, she has never seen or heard such an ovation as what greeted Fantasia (not even Effie White in DreamGirls) at the curtain call of The Color Purple. Fantasia plays Celie and she provides a soul stirring, transformatively beating heart to show. "Her pipes are amazing by the time she sings 'I am Here and I am Beautiful'" People who've seen it told me that they were going nuts, watching her. Well then, let's go see Fantasia in The Color Purple.