Exposing the Lies of the Anti-Gay Industry
The book every gay and lesbian should read.
Coming Fall 2007
This sounds good so I thought I'd better posted it today.
" . . . in order to prove that gays and lesbians should not have any protection of laws, so-called “pro-family” groups have created a written and oral pattern of deception that is not only blatant in its attempts but shameful in its audacity.
In their zeal to prove the worst about the gay community, the antigay industry run roughshod over science and truth.
They have created a house of pseudo-scientifi c studies based on distortions, lies, headless monsters, and legitimate studies taken out of context which are then pushed by fake experts, Ph.D.s, conservative columnists and bloggers, and ignorant people of faith all willing to sacrifice their integrity on the altar of an alleged higher calling."
Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters
The book every gay and lesbian should read. Check it out.
The book every gay and lesbian should read.
Coming Fall 2007
This sounds good so I thought I'd better posted it today.
" . . . in order to prove that gays and lesbians should not have any protection of laws, so-called “pro-family” groups have created a written and oral pattern of deception that is not only blatant in its attempts but shameful in its audacity.
In their zeal to prove the worst about the gay community, the antigay industry run roughshod over science and truth.
They have created a house of pseudo-scientifi c studies based on distortions, lies, headless monsters, and legitimate studies taken out of context which are then pushed by fake experts, Ph.D.s, conservative columnists and bloggers, and ignorant people of faith all willing to sacrifice their integrity on the altar of an alleged higher calling."
Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters
The book every gay and lesbian should read. Check it out.