Obama is in some way legitimizing the unsophisticated theology of Rick Warren which at times enters into bigotry.

George Tyler
Guest Blogger, QueerGam

We sould do our best to give Obama the benefit of the doubt and remember that what he is trying to do here is say that we can agree on some issues (fighting poverty) and disagree on others (abortion, same-sex marriage) and still work together and reach compromises. I don't think it's a good idea to abandon Obama and the movement he has built over this one choice. He cannot make all of us happy all of the time and every constituent is bound to suffer some disillusionment from a guy who promised everything to everyone. In my opinion, we need to stick it out for the long haul before we reach any conclusions. I don't see much gain in abandoning President-Elect Obama before he is even inaugurated. However, my family and I are personally devastated by this decision -- Rick Warren is a gay hater. And we must not let one ***hole to ruin it for us.
