Who Gave More to No on 8?

Michael Petrelis
Chief Blogger,

Karen Ocamb's lengthy piece in IN LA magazine this week reminded me of Matt Foreman's key role in the CA marriage battle, while he was still head of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Farce. He now doles out money from a private foundation.

From Ocamb's story:
"Not everyone cared about marriage equality, saying it wasn’t their issue. A handful of LGBT leaders, however, knew there would be a ballot backlash and convened a meeting at the San Francisco LGBT Center in January 2005. The group included Jean, Kors, Kendell, Matt Foreman of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Seth Kilbourn of the Human Rights Campaign, Jenny Pizer of Lambda Legal and a representative of MEC".

Put aside for a moment the closeted, er, closed door approach here to the important January 2005 meeting. It was invitation only, no varmint streets activists or political artists allowed. A-gays making decisions for the rest us, out of public view, shamefully cowering behind closed doors.

My point here is Foreman and his role as a gay marriage equality leader. How much did he donate to the No on 8 campaign, and was it in the early crucial days of the campaign?

Contributor name James Foreman
Occupation Philanthropy
City San Francisco
State or country CA
ZIP 94114
Position Oppose
Amount $250.00
Payment type Monetary
Transaction date 9/22/2008
Committee name No On 8 - Equality California

Okay, he made a low-three figure donation, and it was at the end of September, so let's give him some brownie points.

At the federal level, Foreman donated $500 to Linda Ketner, $1,000 to Ted Kennedy, $500 to Charles Schumer, and $500 to Al Gore. So Foreman has given $250 to gay marriage ballot measures and $2,500 to Democratic Party candidates. Do his donations tell us anything about his view of the world?

On the other end of the gay political spectrum is Mary Cheney, lesbian mom and daughter to the Worst.Vice President. Ever.

She heard a call for donations in early June, and coughed up $3,000. Of course, she more wealthy than Foreman, so she's got more moolah to easily toss into state propositions.

Contributor name Mary Cheney
Occupation Public Relations
City Great Falls
State or country VA

Position Oppose
Amount $3,000.00
Payment type Monetary
Transaction date 6/4/2008
Committee name No On 8, Equality For All

In the end, I can't really fault Foreman for not donating as large an amount as Cheney did, but he might have made better use of his money, if he had given earlier.

Maybe it's time to let Mary Cheney run NGLTF or HRC. (Yes, I'm medicated.) But hear me out on this.

She showed her commitment to gay marriage with a sizable check, and before a lot of our regular good ol' gay Democratic Party hacks running our advocacy orgs got around to donating to Prop 8, which is saying something these days.

As awful as I think her non-gay political views are, I'd still rather see her given a shot at running the movement orgs for a while. She certainly couldn't do any worse than Solmonese, Foreman, Carey, Jean, Kendell and Kors.
