Carol Browner, same old, same old

She is one of the old Clintonites! Carol Browner, might be the HOPE and CHANGE crew's choice to head our energy department in the White House. And she is, wrote Michelle Malkin, "not so fresh and so clean. And conservatives should raise their voices for, you know, real change".
Many Americans who followed our everyday politics know that Browner has crossed the line and violated public trust before in her capacity as eco-chief. Early in her first term (during Clinton's administration) as EPA head, Browner got caught by a congressional subcommittee using taxpayer funds to create and send out illegal lobbying material to over 100 grassroots environmental lobbying organizations. Malkin explained: Browner exploited her office to orchestrate a political campaign by left-wing groups, who turned around and attacked Republican lawmakers for supporting regulatory reform. These are the very same groups – anti-business, anti-sound science, pro-eco-hysteria – that Browner would be working arm in arm with as Obama’s “energy czar.” This is regression we can’t afford.
