Who are "Good Will" and "Doodad Pro"? Is Obama breaking federal election law by accepting more donations than he should?

The federal election law clearly states that only $2,300, and no more, is allowed per person per general election. Today we saw a news report that anonymous donors using the name of Good Will and Doodad Pro have donated to Obama way more than allowed. Good Will donated $17,375 in more than 1000 separate credit card transactions, most for $25 a pop. (That's way more than $2300 that is allowed per person per general election) Good Will stated his profession as "You". Doodad Pro, his colleague at "Loving" (their employer's name) from Nando, NY, who coincidently also works as a "You" at "Loving" donated $19,500 in 786 separate credit card transactions. Under federal election law, an individual can only donate up to $2,300 per general election, also requires campaign treausrers to report "the name and address of any person who makes a contribution or contributions aggregating more than $200 during a calendar year, together with the date and amount of any such contribution. So the Obama/s refusal to identify Good Will and Doodad Pro appears to be illegal.
