Media bias and CNN have stooped to an all-time low, damaging Palin and McCain. CNN and their commentators had the chance to be balanced...

...but they blew it and continue to destroy Sarah Palin. Jack Cafferty and the others are unstoppable. CNN's bias will probably get worse as election day nears. The commentators are awfully unfair on McCain. There may be some legitimacy to the claim of press bias.

Meanwhile, Obama is getting the kid-glove treatment. It is obvious.

The Project for Excellence in Journalism’s researchers found that John McCain, over the six weeks since the Republican convention, got four times as many negative stories as positive ones. The study found six out of 10 McCain stories were negative. What’s more, Obama had more than twice as many positive stories (36 percent) as McCain — and just half the percentage of negative (29 percent). You call that balanced?
